What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Dark Chocolate

Being rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate is one of the best foods to prevent free radical accumulation and premature cell aging.
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Dark Chocolate

The dark chocolate is one of the most consumed foods in the world, not only for its good taste, but also because it has been shown that brings many benefits to physical and mental health.

Many people feel guilty after eating chocolate because they don’t know all the positive effects of this food. They believe that chocolate makes you fat.

However, no one should feel guilty when consuming moderate portions of dark chocolate.

In addition to not making you fat or damage the body, dark chocolate has excellent properties for the body.

Do you know what happens to your body when you eat dark chocolate?

Being rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate is one of the best foods to prevent free radical accumulation and premature cell aging.

This is a very important benefit, because in this way the toxic substances do not accumulate in our body.

We can thus enjoy a better state of health. In addition, it keeps the cells young, which is why it is recommended as a useful food for skin care.

Energy levels are boosted immediately after consuming dark chocolate.

This allows us to improve our ability to concentrate in the different activities we carry out every day.

When you consume moderate portions of dark chocolate every day, you reduce the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, thanks to its high antioxidant content.

Heart health

After eating dark chocolate, mood improves and depression decreases.

This food contains a chemical compound called anandamide, responsible for feelings of well-being and capable of improving the mood. 

In times of stress, anxiety, anguish or moodiness, eating some dark chocolate is good for you.

This product acts as a natural calming to relax us, thanks to the stimulation of serotonin production.

Dark chocolate has important amounts of flavonoids, antioxidants that protect our skin from damage caused by UV rays (obviously it does not protect the skin like a sunscreen, but it helps to reduce its impact).

Other important benefits of consuming dark chocolate

In addition to the main benefits already mentioned, the consumption of dark chocolate in small quantities has others, which we list below:

  • It is ideal for fighting fatigue
  • It brings a feeling of satiety and allows us not to feel the need to continuously consume other calories. 
  • Thanks to its high magnesium content, it contributes to the formation of new cells, protects the DNA and relaxes the muscles.
  • It stimulates blood circulation and prevents heart problems and the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Contains calcium which, in addition to being great for nails and teeth, also helps prevent osteoporosis problems. 
  • It can prevent and fight anemia thanks to its zinc content.
  • Keeps joints and tendons healthy thanks to its content of phosphorus, calcium and antibacterial agents. 
  • It is rich in flavonoids
  • It can help prevent colon cancer, cholesterol problems and other chronic diseases.
  • It provides our body with good fats that improve the health of the nervous system and avoid problems due to triglycerides. 
  • Theobromine, a component of dark chocolate, can help reduce the activity of the vagus nerve, which is responsible for coughing attacks.

How to take dark chocolate in a healthy way?

Dark chocolate

In order to make the most of all the benefits of dark chocolate, it is good to choose it carefully and try to consume the more bitter one.

Even if the bitter taste is not as pleasant as the sweet one of chocolates, consumed in this way chocolate brings all its benefits to our body.

However, you can opt for semi-bitter chocolates, which are less bitter, but contain less refined sugars than chocolates and milk chocolate.

The consumption of chocolate must be moderate and you must always choose the dark one to get all the benefits.

Nowadays there are many varieties of chocolate that are not good for our body, rich in substances that can have a negative effect on our health.

People in good health can also consume two servings of dark chocolate, depending on the type of diet they follow and the physical activity they perform.

In particular cases of diabetes, overweight and obesity it is important to consult your doctor before taking this delicious food every day.

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