5 Natural Eye Creams

To protect the skin around the eyes, it is essential to give it daily care and nutrients that prevent the tissues from losing elasticity prematurely.
5 natural creams for the eye contour

Do you want to prevent the dreaded “crow’s feet”? Are you afraid that your eye area will start to betray you and make you look older? First, talk to your dermatologist about the best cream for you and what alternative options might be useful for us. 

Once you have identified the needs of your skin and how you can contribute to its well-being, you will make wiser decisions every day and establish the most suitable daily routine. Keep in mind that the more informed you are about your needs, the better you can meet them.

Below, we want to share 5 natural eye cream recipes.

1. Aloe vera cream and grapeseed oil

Aloe vera cream.

The combination of aloe vera and grapeseed is thought to be particularly beneficial for the eye area, as both contain antioxidant properties.

Applied regularly to the eye contour, it stimulates collagen production and prevents the formation of fine wrinkles. 


  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of grapeseed oil (5 g)


  • Put the aloe gel in a bowl and mix it with the grapeseed oil.


  • In the evening, after washing your face, apply a little cream around the eyes.
  • Massage for a couple of minutes, until completely absorbed.

2. Cream with cocoa butter and olive oil

The skin around the eyes is thinner and, what’s more, it doesn’t have many sebaceous glands. To delay the appearance of wrinkles it is therefore essential to provide it with those nutrients that keep it hydrated.

This cream contains fatty acids, vitamin E and amino acids that nourish the tissues in depth. Therefore, use it to preserve the firmness and elasticity of this delicate part of the face.


  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter (40 g)
    2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Put the cocoa butter in a heat resistant container and heat it in a water bath.
  • Once melted, bring the heat to low and add the olive oil.
  • Mix the ingredients well, then let them cool.


  • Once solid, take a small amount of cream with your fingertip and perform a light massage.
  • Roll it out every night before going to sleep.

3. Yogurt and green tea cream

White yogurt.

The lactic acid contained in yogurt keeps the skin’s pH in balance. It also reduces stains and prevents fabrics from losing elasticity prematurely.

In this cream we enhance its properties with the antioxidant power of green tea, a healthy ingredient that keeps the skin young and radiant.


  • ΒΌ cup of natural yogurt (50 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of green tea infusion (45 ml)


  • Put the plain yogurt in a glass jar and mix it with the green tea.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator and apply it very cold.


  • Apply this cream on the eye contour.
  • Let it act for about twenty minutes, then remove the residues with a damp cloth.
  • Finally, keep it in the refrigerator and use it every night.

4. Potato cream and vaseline

According to tradition, the cooling power of potato juice is combined with the oils of petroleum jelly. The result is an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing cream.

Applied to the skin, it greatly reduces the presence of bags and dark circles. Two imperfections that make us look older.


  • 3 tablespoons of grated potato (45 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of petroleum jelly (20 g)


  • Put the two ingredients in a jar and mix them until you get a thick cream.


  • First, apply the cream under the eyes with a light massage.
  • Then, leave it on for 30 minutes, then remove the excess with warm water.

5. Apple and honey cream

Apple cream

Honey has always been used in cosmetics, as it is considered an ingredient with precious properties. It also has a pleasant texture and offers a good aroma.


  • 1 ripe apple
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)


  • First, cook a ripe apple and mash it until pureed.
  • Then, mix with honey and store the cream in a jar with an airtight lid.


  • Pass the cream around the eyes and leave it on for half an hour.
  • Put the product in the residue in the freezer.
  • After this time, rinse with warm water.

Before trying, consult your dermatologist

If you have any doubts about your skin care routine – including that of the eye area – ask your dermatologist for advice. The professional will be able to suggest what is best for you, according to the needs of your skin.

Keep in mind that while a remedy is good for one person, it may not work for another because their skin has different characteristics. Consequently, special care and caution must be taken before applying a natural remedy, especially in a delicate spot such as the eye area.

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