Drinking Green Tea And Black Tea Reduces The Risk Of Stroke

Black tea is rich in polyphenols that protect cells from free radicals, while green tea, thanks to its antioxidant properties, allows us to keep cholesterol under control.
Drinking green tea and black tea reduces the risk of stroke

If you are a lover of herbal teas and infusions, you will like this news. Recent studies have shown that drinking green tea and black tea regularly reduces the risk of stroke and other cerebrovascular accidents.

The secret, as always, lies in moderation. It is not about drinking many cups of tea a day. A cup of black tea in the morning and another cup of green tea in the evening is enough to benefit from their wonderful effects, including stroke prevention .

Green tea and black tea reduce the risk of stroke by 20%

The study was conducted in Japan by the National Brain and Cardiovascular Center. This is a meticulous research that lasted almost 13 years and involved more than 83,000 people.

According to Yoshihiro Kokubo, the doctor in charge of the research, the results are encouraging. Such a small change in our lifestyle, such as introducing a cup of green tea and black tea into our diet,  helps prevent many health problems.

Let’s see the results of this interesting study:

  • The study participants were aged between 45 and 74 years.
  • They were divided into two groups: on the one hand, the regular consumers of green and black tea, on the other, those who were not.
  • It was found that, in fact, those who drank two to four cups of green tea and black tea every day were 20 percent less likely to suffer from cardiovascular accidents than those who did not consume this drink.
  • It was also found that people who drank at least one cup of coffee or two cups of green tea or black tea a day  had a 32 percent lower risk of suffering from intracerebral hemorrhage.
  • People accustomed to drinking green tea and black tea generally led a healthier lifestyle, which partly explains the lower risk of cerebrovascular disease.
stroke risk

Relationship between green tea, black tea, good brain health and stroke

The doctors who took part in the research argue that the most interesting part was verifying that people who drink a cup of coffee for breakfast and a cup of green tea or black tea in the afternoon generally enjoy better cardiovascular health.

  • This effect would be explained in the known ability of this drink to prevent the formation of clots. Both green and black tea are rich in catechins, substances with a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power.
  • Green and black tea increase the antioxidant capacity of the plasma and its anti-thrombogenic effects.
  • Experts advise us to drink coffee or black tea in the morning and green tea in the evening. Thus, thanks to the chlorogenic acid in coffee, the risk of stroke is reduced and the probability of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced.

Other important benefits of green tea and black tea

green and black tea against stroke

Black tea: intense and rich in antioxidants

Did you know that black tea was already used in ancient times as a remedy to increase memory? This effect is explained by its stimulating and energizing power. However, the benefits of this drink, obtained from Camellia sinensis, are many more.

  • Scientific data shows that black tea is energetic and stimulating. It is rich in caffeine and a stimulant substance called theophylline.
  • Black tea is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage.
  • It is astringent, hence its bitter taste and its ability to promote digestion and cure gastritis.
  • It is a diuretic, ideal for fighting water retention.
  •  Helps to lose weight, thanks to the feeling of satiety it gives. Black tea is ideal for breakfast or at the end of a meal.

Green tea: a gift from nature

Green tea is, after white tea, the richest drink in antioxidants. It is also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin.

  • It has the ability to activate our metabolism, a very useful effect for those who want to lose weight; remember that it must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Another interesting fact is that green tea protects the health of the body’s large arteries. It prevents it from hardening and stimulates blood circulation, helping to keep the cholesterol level in the blood under control.

It is, to all intents and purposes, a friendly drink of our health.

Don’t hesitate and start your day with a cup of coffee or black tea. In the afternoon or after meals, continue with a cup of green tea. Along with an active lifestyle, it will help you ward off cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke.

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