Anemia And Iron Deficiency: Are They The Same Thing?

Iron deficiency causes a specific type of anemia called iron deficiency. However, there are also other types of anemia that do not depend on an iron deficiency. The confusion of these two terms is common and a mistake in this sense can result in inadequate care.
Anemia and iron deficiency: are they the same?

Although the terms anemia and iron deficiency have been confused for a long time, it should be made clear that they are not necessarily the same condition. While it is true that there is an association between iron deficiency and a specific type of anemia, known as iron deficiency, the two terms are not synonymous.

Anemia is a heterogeneous disease that can have different causes . Although iron deficiency is one of them, there are other types caused by alterations in the production of red blood cells or hemoglobin.

It is important to know that iron is part of the hemoglobin found within red blood cells. It helps to make it possible to transport oxygen to all the cells in our body, which need it to carry out their vital functions.

In some cases the two situations are related, but not all anemias have an iron deficiency . In this article we explain why anemia and iron deficiency are not the same and how to tell them apart.

How to distinguish anemia and iron deficiency?

In order to distinguish between anemia and iron deficiency, it is important to know what both conditions consist of and why they occur. We have already mentioned that iron is an essential component in our red blood cells for the transport of oxygen .

We get it from the diet and, logically, there are some foods that are richer in iron than others . This means that, in the first place, iron deficiency can be caused by certain eating habits, for example following a vegetarian diet. This is because red meat and fish are among the foods with the highest concentration of iron.

But it is possible to suffer from an iron deficiency even following a malabsorption of the same by the body. Certain diseases of the digestive system, such as celiac disease, impair the processing of nutrients.

Anemia is defined as a decrease in the number of red blood cells or  the concentration of hemoglobin in them, detectable by low values ​​in the hematocrit.

It is important to note that anemia can have numerous causes. Iron deficiency is just one of them, which affects hemoglobin concentration. In light of this, anemia and iron deficiency are not synonymous.

Anemia and iron deficiency are not synonymous
Iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia, but they are not synonymous.

What types of anemia are there?

As we have already seen, iron deficiency is related to a specific type of anemia: iron deficiency anemia . It is the most common type of anemia and mainly affects women of childbearing age.

It is a pathology in which there are low levels of iron, a consequence of an incorrect production of hemoglobin by the bone marrow. This deficit, in turn, can have many causes, such as:

  • Blood loss: this makes it more frequent in women, due to menstruation. It can also be caused by bleeding from injury.
  • Digestive problems: such as an ulcer or diseases that impair intestinal absorption.
  • Colon cancer: Although not a common cause, it is important to take this into consideration. Colon cancer causes blood to leak in the stool. Many times the first symptom is an iron deficiency.

On the other hand, it is important to know that there are many other types of anemia. For example, we speak of aplastic anemia when our body is unable to produce enough red blood cells. It can be caused by a bone marrow disease, infection, or certain medications.

Other anemias

A lack of some vitamins, such as vitamin B12, can impair the production of red blood cells. It is a frequent situation in people suffering from chronic alcoholism. Another common cause is a chronic inflammatory disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Anemia can also be a consequence of a cancerous process affecting the blood, such as leukemia . We can also talk about haemolytic anemia, in which red blood cells are destroyed faster than they are created.

In conclusion: anemia and iron deficiency are not synonymous

Although anemia and iron deficiency tend to be taken interchangeably, this is not the case. Only one type of anemia is associated with iron deficiency.

There are many other types of anemia, caused by other factors. It is therefore important to receive a correct diagnosis in order to implement adequate treatment. Not all anemic states improve with iron supplements. It will therefore be up to the doctor to determine which steps to take in each situation.

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