8 Natural Detergents To Clean Wood

A very effective remedy for removing both stains and cracks in wooden surfaces is petroleum jelly. Its oily compounds allow you to thoroughly clean and restore shine to wooden surfaces
8 natural cleaners to clean wood

Wood is a very valuable material, but also very delicate. For this reason, often natural or homemade detergents become the best allies compared to chemicals that guarantee similar or even worse results and that can damage it.

With these natural cleaners, you can clean wood without damaging it – take note.

The first thing to do is to evaluate the type of furniture to be cleaned or improved and to understand which product to use.

There are various natural cleansing formulas that guarantee excellent results.

1. Nuts to clean the wood


That’s right, walnuts can be a great product for cleaning wood.

Thanks to the liquid they release, similar to oil, you can restore brilliance to your furniture or any wooden object.

In this case, you just have to peel the nuts and rub the base on the wooden surface.

You will see that the condition of your furniture will improve and you will not damage it.

2. Wine vinegar and olive oil

With two such simple ingredients as wine vinegar and olive oil, you can make your wooden furniture shine.

  • You have to pour the two products in equal parts into a container.
  • With a cotton cloth, rub the mixture of vinegar and oil over the entire surface of the cabinet and let it dry for about an hour.
  • Finally, for an optimal result, you can use wax, which will restore shine to the wood.

This trick is very effective because the oil is a product that moisturizes the wood, while the vinegar removes the dirt that has accumulated in it.

Once dry, you can wipe the surface with a cotton cloth. The result will be perfect.

3. Mayonnaise

If you want to remove liquid stains from wooden surfaces, just cover them with a little mayonnaise.

Let the mayonnaise dry completely, then rub it with a cloth until you have eliminated it.

4. Cork

Cork stoppers

If you want to eliminate marks and scratches of various kinds, you will have to rub them with cork and then carefully clean the area in question.

If the stain is not recent, prepare a mixture of ash and petrol and wipe it with a cloth over the stain with circular movements.

5. Vaseline

If your wooden furniture is scratched, then petroleum jelly is for you. Vaseline is indicated both in case of scratches and in the presence of the classic cracks or crevices of the wood.

For this remedy to be effective, you need to apply a layer on the scratches and leave it on for a long time.

Afterwards, just clean the surface to remove any petroleum jelly residues.

If you want to repair minor bumps or dents, place a damp cloth and then bring the hot iron closer. The dent will almost magically shrink.

6. Warm water

Water poured into the glass

If your goal is to remove paint residues from wooden surfaces or floors, just use a little warm water.

You have to mix warm water and the detergent you usually use and pour it on the surface with a cloth.

Afterwards, rinse with warm water (without detergent) and dry with a dry cloth.

7. Ammonia

To treat the external and internal surfaces of wooden furniture and eliminate mold, you will need to mix ammonia with half a liter of warm water.

Rub the entire surface with a cloth soaked in water and ammonia. It will be more than enough to get rid of the mold.

8. Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Another remedy to restore shine to wooden furniture is to mix a little oil or lemon juice with half a liter of vegetable oil and use the mixture on the surface, using a brush.

You have to rub and leave to act. In no time, the wooden surface will shine.

Make sure you put in enough lemon so the surface doesn’t dry quickly and you will avoid damaging it when brushing.

With this trick the dirt will disappear in an instant. Plus, you’ll get unmatched brilliance.

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