Summer Diet: What Do I Eat So As Not To Get Fat?

In the summer diet it is especially important to drink water, eat fruit and vegetables and … enjoy the holidays!
Summer diet: what do I eat so as not to get fat?

Do you know what is the perfect summer diet for not gaining pounds? Summer is the season of the year when we care the most about our bodies, but it’s also the hardest time to go on a diet. The heat, holidays, friends, everything invites us to spend more time outdoors and this can affect our diet.

However, know that it is not impossible to maintain the good habits acquired during the year. The summer diet is simple and we will only have to follow a few simple tips to not gain weight. Would you like to know more? Read our article today.

Summer diet: what to eat so as not to get fat

1. Rule number one of the summer diet: start your meal with vegetables

In the summer we want to eat fresh and light things, which is why an excellent habit for the summer diet is to start lunch with a good salad or a gazpacho , or a cold soup. Eating a plate of vegetables at the beginning of the meal will make us less hungry when the second one arrives, which is generally more caloric.

This is due to the fact that vegetable fibers increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the glycemic index of foods. The entire digestive process is therefore slowed down. In order not to gain a few extra pounds in the summer, start your meal with vegetables.

Vegetables for the summer diet
The consumption of fresh vegetables in summer helps to maintain the feeling of satiety, and to avoid overdoing it with the most caloric dishes. This is why they are essential in the summer diet.

2. Eat seasonal fruit

Summer fruit, in addition to being sweet, refreshing and colorful, is also low in calories and rich in water. Choose your favorites from:

  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Nectarine
  • Snuffbox peaches
  • Yellow plums
  • Melon

The orange and yellow of the fruit indicate that they are rich in carotenes and carotenoids, the precursors of vitamin A, which strengthen the defenses and help keep eyesight and skin in perfect health.

If we eat red fruits such as watermelon, cherries and plums, however, we will be full of magnesium and lycopene, substances that protect the heart.

For the summer diet, eat fruit as a snack, take it to the beach or the pool. And, if you want, you can also eat it after meals. Remember that fruit does not make you fat if eaten after meals, it is ice cream and sweets that make you fat.

Following the summer diet does not mean locking yourself indoors

If you go on holiday to the sea, take the opportunity to eat good fresh fish, preferably grilled or with a light sauce. You can also opt for seafood. The latter, like fish, are rich in high quality proteins and, for the most part, contain little fat; in addition, they are rich in minerals and vitamins.

However, you should be careful with seafood if you have high cholesterol, because some – such as squid, shrimp, prawns and sea cicadas – are high in cholesterol, especially in the head area. If you go to another country, do some research and make a list of restaurants to avoid ending up in a fast food restaurant.

3. The container, the best friend of the summer diet

When we are on vacation, we often spend the whole day out. We therefore recommend that you always carry some healthy snacks with you so as not to arrive at mealtimes with a wolfish hunger. You can bring dried, raw or toasted fruit, fresh fruit, wholemeal crackers or a light and healthy sandwich.

What if you want an ice cream? Make your own homemade version or, even better, choose a lower calorie option by eating a popsicle! If you eat these snacks, you will be able to stick to your summer diet without any problems.

Dried fruit as a snack in the summer diet
Dried fruit can be the ideal snack to calm hunger in the summer, without gaining weight. However, they should not be eaten in exaggerated quantities.

4. Drink lots of water

It is very important to be well hydrated in high temperatures. Typically, a person needs about 2 liters of water per day. In summer, this quantity must increase by about 300 ml for each degree of temperature above 37 ° C.

We recommend that you always carry a bottle with you to make sure you have water on hand and avoid buying other less healthy drinks.

5. Eliminate alcohol from the summer diet

There are many other refreshing drinks, instead of drinking alcoholic beverages. Although they are often present in summer holidays and celebrations, it is best to avoid them if we do not want to get fat.

What alcohol-free drinks can we drink? Water is always the best choice, but you can also opt for carbonated water, a tea or a cold infusion, a smoothie, a lemonade or a tomato juice.

A few final recommendations …

  • Increase your daily energy consumption. If you go on a trip, plan a walking or cycling tour. If you go to the sea or to the mountains, do some sport you like or would like to try.
  • Book an apartment with a kitchen, so you can better control what you eat.

Don’t want to get fat this summer? So put our recommendations into practice and follow this summer diet without depriving yourself of the little pleasures of holidays.

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