A Glass Of Wine A Day Equals One Hour Of Physical Activity

A glass of wine a day has many health benefits. However, to allow this delicious drink to really benefit you, remember not to overdo it and accompany its consumption with physical activity.
A glass of wine a day equals one hour of physical activity

According to some studies, drinking a glass of wine has the same effects caused by physical exercise. Can you believe it? It is not a question of abandoning sport forever, but simply of exploiting all the properties of the grape.

Do you want to know why a glass of wine is equivalent to an hour of physical activity? Then keep reading this article!

Studies supporting this theory

It was the University of Alberta, Canada that conducted this study. The researchers found that red wine contains a substance known as resveratrol , which contains  benefits similar to those obtained after an hour of training in the gym or outdoors.

Drinking a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart. This, however, was already known. Now, however, we can add new benefits to the list. This drink is capable of:

  • Improve physical performance.
  • Increase muscle strength.
  • Regulate blood circulation in the direction of the heart.

The Journal of Psychology published this study which also showed that resveratrol can replace physical activity for some people.

The leader of the research team, Jason Dyck, suggests a quantity of 1 glass to accompany the dinner. Certainly we must not exaggerate with the excuse that “it is good for our health and saves us having to go to the gym”.

Experts point out that these benefits derive only from red wine and that it should not be drunk every day, but every 48 hours (one dinner yes and one dinner no). This means that you don’t have to rush to buy liters of wine with the idea that you will be exempted from exercising.

a glass of wine can complement your physical activity

More than a substitute, wine is a complement to your exercise program. For example, you can have a glass of wine on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and exercise on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or vice versa.

If you drink more than one glass a day, if you drink wine every evening and if you continue to lead a sedentary life, unfortunately you will not see the effects of this “magic”.

What are the other health benefits of red wine?

Now we know it helps us not have to exercise every day, but  what else is a glass of wine for dinner?

Reduces cardiovascular disease

Red wine is an excellent ally for those who are predisposed to suffer from heart attacks and helps prevent ischemic and coronary diseases or arteriosclerosis.

Fights cholesterol

Since it is a rich source of antioxidants, it helps reduce “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and increases “good” (HDL) cholesterol levels. It also regulates the amount of triglycerides in the blood.

Strengthens the immune system

If you get sick often, it may be because your defenses are poor or weak. By drinking red wine you will be able to strengthen the defenses against infections, flu and allergies. Perfect for seasonal changes or for the arrival of winter!

Reduces allergies

Red wine is an excellent antihistamine, perfect against seasonal allergies, and is also an antibacterial.

red wine offers a great deal of health benefits

Improve skin health

This property is due to its high content of antioxidants and vitamins. Red wine prevents premature aging, wrinkles and skin blemishes. If you want to look younger and more radiant, drink some wine!

Reduces inflammation

If you have fallen or suffered a bump or  if you suffer from diseases that cause you to swell (arthritis, edema, etc.), we strongly recommend that you have a glass of wine with dinner.

Improve blood circulation

Once inside the body, red wine acts as a perfect anticoagulant. The consumption of this drink is therefore not recommended for those who, for example, suffer from problems in stopping bleeding.

It is packed with nutrients

Red wine is rich in minerals and trace minerals such as:

  • Magnesium.
  • Lithium.
  • Football.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.

Promotes digestion

The consumption of red wine is recommended to accompany cheese and meat because it helps digest proteins better and reduces the symptoms of acidity and reflux. It is also said to help prevent stomach ulcers.

red wine helps digest proteins better

Reduces the formation of kidney stones

In fact, red wine is good for improving kidney and urinary functions in general. It is recommended for those who are prone to suffer from kidney stones, bladder or urethral infections, etc.

Improve teeth health

The antioxidants contained in wine are able to reduce the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, especially those that attack the teeth.

Protects the brain

Resveratrol also serves to take care of cognitive functions. It is able to help those who suffer from Alzheimer’s or who may suffer from it in the future. A glass of red wine helps to recover certain brain functions such as memory and concentration.

It is an anticarcinogen

Several studies have confirmed that the flavonoids contained in red wine can be very useful in the prevention of prostate cancer.

Improve your eyesight

red wine can contribute to the prevention of prostate cancer

The antioxidants contained in wine protect the eyes from various diseases such as, for example, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

Other benefits

As if all this were not enough, the wine:

  • It reduces the risk of suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • It fights the symptoms of varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Lower your blood pressure.
  • Regulates blood insulin levels.
  • Prevents the formation and accumulation of fat in the belly area.
  • Fights gingivitis.
  • Reduces sore throat.
  • It releases endorphins, which increases the feeling of happiness.
  • It reduces the negative consequences of leading a sedentary life.
  • Cleans the palate and tongue.

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