How To Get Rid Of Termites From The House

Also known as Isoptera, today we are talking about termites, insects that are able to eat wooden furniture.
How to get rid of termites from the home

For a property there are few plagues more destructive than termites, also called Isoptera. This insect devours wood and can ruin not only furniture and chairs, but also the structures of the house itself (such as floors, skirting boards, for example).

Once termites have been identified, it is important to act as soon as possible to prevent them from eating wood and destroying furniture and other wooden objects that may be within reach of these insects.

Termites in the house

How do we realize the presence of termites in our home? You will notice yellow spots on the wood, as if it were full of bread crumbs. Or, you may notice small holes in the wood

It should be noted that termites have preferences regarding the types of wood to attack. Some of the main ones are: Pine tree , cypress, ceiba and balsa, but can also attack other types.

It is thought that termites cannot attack furniture made of ash, cedar or guanacaste wood. However, this hypothesis is not to be completely trusted. If the wood is not treated, these types could also be attacked by termites.

Tips for eliminating termites from the home

Termite on the wood

1. Eliminate termites from the house with oranges and camphor

A simple measure to eradicate this insect from your home is to place a bottle containing the peel of an orange and a little bit of camphor inside your closet.

Camphor is a whitish substance, similar to salt, which is used as an insecticide. Obviously be careful and try to avoid it coming into contact with your clothes, as it can stain them.

The orange peel helps to give a pleasant scent, but it is not mandatory to add it to the bottle. If you do, remember to replace the peels at least once a week.

2. Boric acid based insecticide

Another substance valid as an insecticide is boric acid, which we can use in the following way:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of boric acid with a tablespoon of sugar and another of milk.
  2. Put this preparation in bottle caps and distribute it on the infected places.
  3. Do not leave it within the reach of children or dogs, to avoid poisoning.
  4. Repeat this process for three to four weeks. As we have said, these insects reproduce quickly and you can find large quantities inside the house.

The secret of this technique lies in the consistency with which it is applied. Otherwise, it will hardly help eliminate termites in the house.

Termite pest control

3. Other tips

There are a myriad of tips circulating on the web for exterminating termites. However, it is necessary to alert and create awareness about the ineffectiveness of some of them.

An example is to spray diesel or gasoline on the wooden surface. These substances will not penetrate into the wood, i.e. where the insect is and where it attacks. In addition, they will cause a very strong odor and are extremely flammable.

Similar advice concerns the use of kerosene, burnt oil and similar substances. They are not recommended solutions given, as we have already said, their high level of flammability.

On the contrary, strong medicinal plants can be used, such as Gliricidia sepium, la  Quassia amara and the greater plantain.  To do this, you need to boil some water with the leaves of these plants to create an infusion. However, this is not a very effective method.

4. Disinfestation and chemical baits

There are professionals and companies that are dedicated specifically to eliminating termites from the home. Taking into account the fact that a termite colony can contain millions of insects, which are also very harmful to the home, it goes without saying that this is not a bad idea.

The advantage of this service is that the methods used are controlled and directly attack the colony in one go.  In this way, the problem is put to an end once and for all, without leaving the termites free to reproduce indefinitely.

Is it possible to prevent its invasion?

If we live in an area where we know there have been cases of termites, it is best to go straight to the point and avoid buying wooden furniture. If you prefer wood, the best thing is that it is of very high quality, to avoid its deterioration due to these animals.

On the other hand, good maintenance of house  cleaning and disinfection can also help, but they are not a guarantee. However, you must be very careful and check that your furniture, beams and fixtures are in good condition.

Finally, avoid moisture and, more importantly, make sure there are no leaking pipes. It is precisely in these cases that the ideal conditions are created for these insects to live and reproduce, and they certainly do so very quickly.

Eliminating termites from the home is not easy; furthermore, it is a process that requires a lot of patience. Don’t worry, over time you will be able to completely remove them if you deal with the problem properly. But don’t waste time: the damage can be irreversible.

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