All Natural Diuretics: Here Are The 15 Best

Water retention is not an independent disease, but a symptom of other problems, such as poor circulation, thyroid dysfunction, heart, kidney or liver dizziness.
All natural diuretics: here are the 15 best

If your problem is water retention and whatever you do you always feel bloated, then you should try these all natural diuretics, which are also a great solution for people on a diet.

In this way you can fight and win the battle against excess fluids, lose weight and eliminate everything that your body holds for no reason. Read on to find out which are the best natural diuretics!

What is water retention?

The scientific name is dropsy (no longer in use) or edema and refers to the accumulation of fluids in the tissues of the body. It is not an independent disease, which means that it is actually a clinical symptom of other dysfunctions, such as problems with the kidneys, heart or digestive system.

Edema is the accumulation of fluids in the area of ​​the abdomen, ankles and wrists. If the amount of liquid is too much, it can alter various functions of the body.

counteract retention with all natural diuretics

The most noticeable swelling due to water retention is called edema and is what affects the feet and legs. Especially pregnant women or overweight people suffer from it .

The swelling is not accompanied by any other symptoms or pain and the skin color does not change. By applying pressure to the swollen area, characteristic marks can be seen. The causes of this problem can be circulatory disorders, liver, kidney and heart dysfunctions, thyroid malfunction and vitamin deficiency .

What are the best all natural diuretics?

The watermelon

Thanks to its high water content, watermelon is a natural diuretic food. It also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that strengthens the body so as to prevent free radical damage. Furthermore, the amino acids of watermelon help to widen the veins, thus making sure that the liquids flow more freely, preventing them from accumulating in the tissues.

Watermelon is also a detoxifying, alkalizing and mineralizing fruit, which promotes good intestinal health and therefore the elimination of toxins from the body.

Tomatoes are the most delicious of all natural diuretics

Tomatoes are made up of over ninety percent water and also contain a large amount of antioxidants (vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene and lycopene). They are very useful in preventing free radicals which can damage the walls of blood vessels, causing inflammation and leakage of fluids.

Tomatoes among all natural diuretics

The cucumbers

Cucumber contains water in large quantities, which is why it is an excellent natural diuretic.  It also contains silicon and sulfur, elements that help the kidneys eliminate uric acid, thus favoring the decrease in water retention.

As if that weren’t enough, cucumbers contain ascorbic acid and caffeic acid, which play an important role in the diuretic effect. Finally, cucumbers are a great source of potassium that prevents cramps in the extremities.

Cranberry juice

You can also opt for whole berries, but it’s better if you mash them or buy ready-made juice. Blueberries are very effective in treating urinary infections as they are an excellent natural diuretic that does not hinder potassium in stimulating the elimination of water.

Blueberries are characterized by a high antibiotic power that will allow you to keep your bladder in excellent condition. Cranberry juice is excellent for people with diabetes.

Carrots, precious allies of health among all natural diuretics

This vegetable provides our body with a large amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins and is among the most recommended natural diuretics. In addition, carrots help detoxify the body, speed up metabolism and slow down the development of vision problems due to lack of lubrication.

Carrots among all natural diuretics

The eggplants

Eggplants have a high content of water and flavonoids which allow not only to eliminate excess fluids, but also to improve circulation. It is advisable to boil the aubergines and drink the cooking water or eat them raw and grated to lose weight.

The unsuspected artichokes among all natural diuretics

The artichoke helps to improve the function of the kidneys because they provide caffeic acid and flavonoids, which together with vitamins and minerals have a great diuretic effect. Furthermore, the cynarin contained in the artichoke improves the flow of bile and thus helps to eliminate water retention.

Celery is the most effective of all natural diuretics

Especially celery seeds, because they increase the excretion of uric acid and the production of urine, which allows the natural detoxification of the body. Keep in mind that celery contains high levels of sodium, which are opposed to those of potassium which are still high, but not dangerous.

The grape

Grapes contain a lot of water and potassium, which is why it is considered a very powerful natural diuretic. Furthermore, the sodium levels present in grapes are quite low and make them an ideal fruit for properly eliminating toxins from the body through urine.

The asparagus

Asparagus contains asparagine, an amino acid that makes this vegetable a low-calorie food and which gives it great diuretic power.

Asparagine also allows you to treat pain related to rheumatism, water retention (caused by premenstrual syndrome) and arthritis. Furthermore, thanks to the high fiber content, asparagus helps to clean up the intestinal tract very effectively.

Lettuce among the all natural diuretics to be included in the daily diet

Lettuce accentuates the flavor of salads and, thanks to the high percentage of water it contains, promotes the urination process. It also contains iron and magnesium, two minerals that help reduce the volume of fat cells.

Green tea is the wisdom of the East among all natural diuretics

Green tea

Green tea is included in many weight loss diets because it allows you to eliminate fat through urine. It is recommended that you consume a maximum of four cups of green tea per day, as this variety contains caffeine.

The vein

Oats are ideal for breakfast thanks to their energetic properties. In addition, it contains a silicon compound called silica whose function is that of a natural diuretic.


The diuretic properties of parsley are quite mild, but it is a very useful plant because it cleanses the kidneys of toxins. The ideal is to eat it raw and finely chopped.



Improves the functions of the kidneys and liver. Beetroot also provides iron which serves to cleanse the body of fat deposits.

Images courtesy of Keirsten Marie, Richard Riley, Corey Burger, robinmcnicoll, tribp and Market Manager.

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