11 Cancer Symptoms That Many Ignore

There are symptoms that we usually ignore or relate to minor ailments when, in reality, they are the prelude to the dreaded cancer. In the face of the slightest doubt, we must contact a specialist.
11 Cancer Symptoms Many Ignore

A hundred different malignant tumors are diagnosed every day around the world, in most cases when they are already at an advanced stage. Do you know the 11 symptoms that warn of the presence of cancer and that many ignore?

Often malignant tumors are silent and this leads to diagnosing them when they are already in a very difficult phase to treat.

In most cases, early diagnosis is key, as the less advanced the cancer is, the more likely you are to successfully overcome the disease.

For this reason, it is very important to take into account some symptoms that may seem common, but which could indicate the presence of a tumor.

Below, we share  11 cancer symptoms that most people ignore and that can be decisive for discovering this disease in time.

11 Cancer Symptoms Many Ignore

Persistent cough or hoarseness

Coughing can appear as a very common symptom of a lung problem, as it often occurs in the presence of lung congestion or some infection.

However,  when it occurs persistently or with blood, it is important to seek medical attention, as it may indicate cancer of the respiratory system.

Lack of air

Many people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer have repeatedly experienced a feeling of lack of air.

However, it is customary to ignore this symptom by considering it transient or thinking it is asthma.

11 Cancer Symptoms Many Ignore: Bowel Problems

Abdominal pain

We all differ in bowel habits. There are those who have excellent digestion and eliminate waste frequently, just as there are those who suffer from constipation and have difficulty in expelling waste.

However,  we should be alarmed if we notice black or bloody stools, persistent diarrhea or chronic constipation, an irrepressible urge to go to the toilet or pain in the abdominal area.

Frequent infections

Often suffering from infections can indicate that the person is suffering from leukemia. Leukemia is a disease caused by an abnormal production of white cells (leukocytes), which is why the body loses its defenses in the fight against infections.

It is common to discover leukemia from symptoms such as frequent fever or flu-like symptoms.

Changes in the appearance of urine

Urine color

Is the color of your urine darker than usual? Does it have a strong smell? Whatever the alteration in this sense, it means that something is wrong.

Cancers affecting the urinary tract are always accompanied by these symptoms. In these cases, you should contact your doctor immediately.

11 Cancer Symptoms Many Ignore: Unexplained Pain

If you suffer from persistent pain in the shoulder, neck or legs, it is best to consult your doctor. In this case, the pain could be associated with other ailments among those mentioned here.

Changes in the skin

11 Cancer Symptoms: Moles

Any type of alteration in the skin, such as, for example, spots, new moles or changes in those already present, must be cause for alarm that leads to a medical examination to rule out the risk of skin cancer.

Unusual bleeding

In women, unusual bleeding outside of the menstrual period is a symptom of cervical cancer. If the bleeding occurs in the rectum, however, it could indicate colon cancer.

Frequent pain in the pelvis

11 Cancer Symptoms: Premenstrual Syndrome

Pelvic pain is difficult to ignore, as it is very annoying and almost always accompanied by inflammation.

This symptom is common to many diseases, including ovarian cysts and cancers of the female reproductive system.

Weight loss

While the unexplained weight loss may be a gift for many people, suddenly losing weight can indicate the presence of a tumor.

If you are not following any diet and lose 4 pounds or more in a short time, this could be a wake-up call for pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, or lung cancer.

11 Cancer Symptoms Many Ignore: Difficulty Swallowing

If you have difficulty swallowing or feel pain when you do, it is essential to see your doctor, as it can be a symptom of  esophageal, stomach or throat cancer.

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