Eggs For Breakfast: Three Reasons To Eat Them And Two Recipes

Including eggs for breakfast is not bad at all, far from it: it helps us to face the day with more energy. In addition, they have a satiating effect, which is why they also promote weight loss.
Eggs for breakfast: three reasons to eat them and two recipes

Are you one of those who don’t eat eggs for breakfast because you think they make you fat and raise bad cholesterol levels? This article may change your mind!

What kind of breakfast do you usually have? If you are one of those who drink coffee and eat a couple of cookies on the fly before leaving the house, it is very likely that your stomach after an hour, still complaining of food and your head a headache pill.

Leaving the house well fed is essential to start the day with the right energy, strength and all the “fuel” necessary to keep the brain active.

We are sure that after reading this article, you will see eggs for breakfast with completely new eyes.

Eggs for breakfast: useful for cardiovascular health

The balanced consumption of eggs does not increase cholesterol or affect blood lipid levels. There are numerous studies proving this claim, such as the one published by the American College of Nutrition journal .

female doctor with fake heart in hand
  • Eggs provide phospholipids and unsaturated fats, as well as vitamins and antioxidants that help prevent arteriosclerosis.
  • According to experts, there is nothing wrong with consuming three to five eggs a week, nor is it risky, on the contrary: our heart will be strengthened and protected, as long as this food is accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. . Furthermore, egg consumption has been shown to be in no way related to worse cardiovascular health.

However, consuming a hard-boiled egg is different from consuming a fried egg accompanied by bacon and cheese, which are foods in themselves high in saturated fat and harmful to health.

  • Another factor to consider is that thanks to the presence of choline in eggs it helps, we can attenuate the inflammatory processes that involve homocysteine ​​or C-reactive protein.

Regular and balanced consumption of eggs promotes heart health and protects against osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s and Type 2 diabetes.

Eggs for breakfast to keep you in line

Eggs are among the most filling foods there is. There is nothing better than starting the day with a spinach omelette, for example, to face the morning with energy and well-being until lunchtime.

Girl with a flat stomach measures the waist
  • We must not forget that eggs are an excellent source of complete proteins with a high biological value, of higher quality than those of dairy products.
  • It should also be emphasized that the proteins present in eggs are amino acid chains capable of repairing tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.

All this indicates that it is an essential food for those who want to lose weight.

Eggs: useful for the brain and nervous system

One of the biggest benefits of eggs is their choline supply. This substance is an extremely useful nutrient for reducing brain inflammation.

Recent studies have found a relationship between egg consumption and a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s, and in any case to an improvement in cognitive function.

Furthermore, the phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin present in eggs allow to synthesize important substances such as acetylcholine, which acts as a neurotransmitter to favor the transmission of information to the nerves and muscles.

Healthy ways of eating eggs for breakfast

Heart shaped fried eggs

Oat and banana pancakes


  • a banana.
  • 1 egg.
  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal (50 grams).
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon zest (5 grams).


  • First of all, mash the banana until you obtain a homogeneous puree, which you will then mix with the beaten egg.
  • Then, add the lemon zest and the 5 tablespoons of oats and mix well. At this point all that remains is to fry the pancakes in a very hot pan. The result will be delicious.

Eggs with spinach, strawberries and raisins

Then ingredients

  • 8 strawberries.
  • 1 hard-boiled egg.
  • a handful of raisins.
  • 100 grams of spinach.


  • This salad is as tasty as it is filling, ideal for starting the day full of energy. To prepare it, you just have to put an egg to boil and, once hard, cut it into thin slices.
  • Then, wash the strawberries and cut them in half.
  • Also wash the spinach and arrange them in a bowl, add the strawberries, egg and raisins. What are you waiting for to try it? It is a recipe rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins, including vitamins B and C: it favors intestinal transit and helps to keep the figure and the heart under control.

Eggs are great for breakfast

Eggs for breakfast are a way to take care of your health, as long as they are combined with healthy foods. Their protein intake is low, as is their calorie intake.

Also, they won’t raise your cholesterol levels, but on the contrary, they will have cardio-protective effects. Therefore, you should include them more frequently in your usual diet!

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