Sagging Cheeks: 6 Tips To Firm Them

Protecting the skin from the effects of the sun and applying firming creams and lotions are just some of the tips to follow to take care of your face. Specific exercises can also be performed to tone the cheeks.
Sagging cheeks: 6 tips to firm them

The loss of elasticity and firmness of the face is a common problem among women. Despite being the consequence of the natural aging process, many women try to remedy it to maintain a youthful appearance longer and avoid sagging cheeks.

The problem is that in many cases it occurs prematurely, in fact the skin and muscles of this area are affected by the effects of the sun, toxins and other external factors. In addition, genetic factors, sudden weight changes or bad habits that compromise the health of the dermis also affect.

Although the fastest and most effective solution is cosmetic surgery, there are less aggressive and natural methods that can improve the appearance of the cheeks in no time. In this regard, today we share with you 6 interesting tips for firming sagging cheeks.  What are you waiting for to try them?

Tips for firming sagging cheeks

Tense skin

1. Facial gymnastics

Performing specific facial exercises every day is one of the most effective ways to correct the lack of tone in the cheeks.

Like other muscles in the body, those in the face also need to be trained to stay strong and healthy.

How to do facial gymnastics?

  • To begin, stand in front of the mirror and smile exaggeratedly for 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Rest a few seconds and then use your fingertips to make circular massages on the cheekbones.
  • Fill your cheeks with air as if to form a balloon and hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Finally, pronounce the vowels exaggeratedly, two or three times.

2. Improve nutrition

More than once you have heard “we are what we eat”. This is because nutrition affects almost all aspects of our life.

In this particular case, it is essential to adopt good eating habits, in fact vitamins and minerals play an important role in the health of muscles and skin.

Eating fruit and vegetables every day reduces the risk of premature aging and promotes the production of collagen and elastin which give the skin a toned appearance.

Sources of protein, such as legumes and lean meats, increase the feeling of energy and are essential for muscle health.

A diet rich in water and antioxidant foods also reduces inflammation caused by water retention, a problem that also affects the facial area.

3. Use sunscreen

Moisturizing cream

The daily application of a sunscreen is a habit that helps prevent and fight the flaccidity of the cheeks. These products reduce the negative effects of the sun’s rays on the skin, as well as preventing it from losing tone and aging prematurely.

4. Apply ice

Ice Firming Therapy is an ancient Japanese beauty remedy that has become famous around the world for its effectiveness in improving the appearance of the skin on the cheeks.

The cold temperature and the massage technique help improve circulation, promote elasticity and have a toning effect that prevents the formation of wrinkles.

How does cold therapy work?

  • Wrap some ice cubes in a soft cloth and then rub it on your cheeks with light circular motions.
  • Continue the treatment for five minutes and repeat it every evening.

5. Prepare an avocado-based mask

Avocado for the skin

Instead of spending a fortune on expensive face creams, make an avocado and honey mask yourself to provide more nutrients to this area of ​​the face.

Avocado essential fatty acids and antioxidants help repair weak fibers and increase the sensation of elasticity and tone.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)

What do you have to do?

  • Mash the pulp of a ripe avocado and mix it with honey.
  • After obtaining a cream, rub it on your cheeks and let it act for 15 minutes.
  • Make sure to repeat the treatment three times a week, in the evening.

6. Use a facial toner

Daily use of a facial toner reduces the appearance of sagging cheeks and prevents the appearance of wrinkles or other signs of aging.

These products have nourishing and firming properties and, once absorbed, tone the skin leaving it hydrated and soft.

There are various types on the market, but you can also use chamomile tea or cucumber juice.

As you can see, with simple beauty habits, you can take care of your skin and avoid sagging cheeks.

Remember that this area is vulnerable to the negative effects of free radicals, so it’s important to give it proper attention every day.

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