Fruits Rich In Water To Hydrate The Body

Although watermelon is one of the best known fruits in terms of hydration, pineapple also performs this function, plus it is anti-inflammatory and prevents water retention.
Fruits rich in water to hydrate the body

The right daily consumption of water is one of the habits we must adopt if we want to avoid health problems. We can also do this by consuming some fruits rich in water.

Although we are not aware of it, this liquid plays an important role in the functioning of all our organs and systems,  maintaining an optimal level of hydration.

Its consumption strengthens the functioning of the kidneys, it also helps to filter the blood to remove waste substances that the body no longer needs.

Among other things, it  is essential for the cellular oxygenation process  and takes part in metabolic and cardiac functions.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to consume water in large quantities, not only in its natural state,  but also by making use of the fruits that contain it.

Below we present 7 fruits rich in water, so that you do not hesitate to include them in your diet.

Fruits rich in water

1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit known for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Composed of 85% water, it is a low-calorie food that  promotes cell hydration,  optimizing the oxygenation process.
  • It contains an enzyme called bromelain, which gives it digestive, antioxidant and purifying properties.
  • Its supply of vitamin C, as well as potassium and magnesium,  improves the health of the immune system and reduces the risk of diseases and infections.

2. Plums

These small, water-rich fruits are known for the benefits they bring to digestive health, as they improve bowel movement and help prevent constipation.

  • These benefits are due to the contribution of water (87%) and natural fibers which, in exchange for few calories,  nourish the cells and protect intestinal health.
  • It is an important source of vitamins and minerals that help improve heart function.
  • Helps to control cholesterol and detoxify the blood.

3. Cherries among water-rich fruits

Cherry juice - fruits rich in water

A 100-gram serving (about 10 cherries) provides only 63 calories, and at least 85% is water.

  • It is a moisturizing food that helps prevent premature cell aging thanks to the contribution of beta-carotenes and vitamin E.
  • Cherries are also attributed anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for  minimizing the symptoms of joint pain.
  • They improve liver function, promoting the elimination of waste in order to avoid disease.

4. Melon among the fruits rich in water

Melon is a summer fruit that is usually eaten as a refreshing food in case of heat exhaustion.

  • It is a hydrating fruit composed of 86% water, and it also provides fiber and antioxidants that protect cells.
  • It is ideal for regulating electrolyte levels in the body,  especially when imbalances arise due to excess sweating.
  • It improves kidney function by increasing urine production and avoiding infections in the urinary tract.
  • Its vitamin C intake improves immune health, and to top it off, it  increases collagen synthesis in the skin.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon - fruits rich in water

About 93% of the weight of watermelon is made up of water. It is therefore the queen of fruits rich in water.

This seasonal fruit is therefore one of the best choices for keeping the body hydrated, not only for its fluid intake, but also for its essential mineral content.

  • It contains potassium, magnesium and iron, all of which are necessary to balance the body’s electrolytes.
  • Its vitamins A and C  improve skin health and decrease premature tissue deterioration.
  • It acts as a natural diuretic, promoting the elimination of water retention.
  • It also has purifying functions and helps regulate blood pH.

6. Grapefruit among the fruits rich in water

Grapefruit consists of 85% water. It is the citrus fruit with the lowest caloric intake, as well as a source of essential vitamins and minerals.

  • It is indicated for weight loss diets,  since it prolongs the feeling of satiety and stimulates the elimination of toxins.
  • It has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial for muscle and joint health.
  • Its antioxidants  improve the cell regeneration process  avoiding premature aging.

7. Peaches


Known for their delicious, sweet flavor, peaches are water-rich, hydrating and energetic fruits that help nourish the body.

  • They are composed of 89% water and are a source of vitamin A and the B complex.
  • The carotenoids and polyphenols they contain  protect cells from oxidative stress,  preventing tissue deterioration.
  • They have digestive and prebiotic properties, recommended to counteract constipation.
  • They help cleanse the liver and are useful for protecting the skin from the effects of toxins.

Do you include these water-rich fruits in your usual diet? If you find it hard to ingest the recommended amount of water, increase your consumption of these fruits to keep you hydrated and healthy.

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