Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar: Two Ingredients To Cleanse The Colon

Thanks to its laxative properties, honey promotes bowel movements and protects the bacterial flora of the intestine, while the detoxifying effect of vinegar favors the elimination of residues
Honey and apple cider vinegar: two ingredients to cleanse the colon

Can honey and apple cider vinegar really help cleanse the colon? This organ, also known as the large intestine, is the part of the digestive system through which all the residues of the foods we ingest every day pass.

Given the function it performs, it is normal that a good functioning of the same is the key to avoiding the occurrence of various diseases.

Despite this, due to a wrong diet, a sedentary lifestyle and other bad habits, the colon can be subject to serious difficulties and various ailments that alter our health.

For this reason, it is necessary to give it the attention it needs and try to take measures that favor its constant cleaning.

Eating foods rich in fiber and the right amount of water daily are two ways of optimizing its functions.

It is also possible to make use of some home remedies which, thanks to their properties, are able to stimulate the elimination of accumulated toxins.

Today we want to share with you a natural remedy prepared with honey and apple cider vinegar,  two ingredients that improve the functions of the colon. Find out with us!

How to cleanse the colon with just two ingredients

Colon cleansing ingredients

This colon cleansing remedy is nothing more than a simple way to combine the properties of apple cider vinegar with those of honey, two very popular medicinal ingredients.

Both products have anti-inflammatory and digestive properties that facilitate the elimination of residues, without side effects for the body.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for the colon

Apple cider vinegar, only if 100% organic, has a detoxifying effect that favors the elimination of residues that accumulate and remain deposited in the intestine.

Its alkalizing properties reduce the acidity levels in the blood, thus helping to prevent various diseases affecting the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

It is precisely for this reason that it is highly recommended as a supplement to reduce excessively high triglyceride levels and high blood pressure.

The benefits of honey

Honey for the colon

Pure honey is a sweet substance characterized by a high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes that improve health.

Since ancient times, honey has been used in alternative medicine, as it has antiseptic, laxative and purifying properties which, without a doubt, act effectively against different types of pathologies.

In the case of the colon, it is an excellent remedy, as it helps protect the bacterial flora and, at the same time, stimulates the expulsion of accumulated residues.

It reduces abdominal inflammation and eliminates harmful bacteria thanks to its powerful antibiotic properties.

The consumption of honey is particularly recommended for those suffering from constipation, as it has a mild laxative effect that facilitates bowel movements.

Apple cider vinegar and honey remedy to cleanse the colon

Vinegar and honey for the colon

Now that you know better the properties of our two ingredients, let’s see how we can prepare this remedy to cleanse the colon.

It is important that the use of this remedy complements a balanced diet and preferably low in fat, sugar and refined flours.


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • a glass of warm water (200 ml)

How is it prepared?

Heat the water, then let it rest for a few minutes and, finally, add the spoonful of honey and that of apple cider vinegar until they melt.

How to use?

  • Swallow the first glass on an empty stomach and then take a second dose later.
  • Drink this remedy every day for at least 3 weeks.
  • You can repeat the detox every two to three months.

What are the other benefits of this natural remedy?

Natural remedies for the colon

In addition to being an excellent solution against intoxicated colon, taking this drink based on vinegar and honey has numerous other benefits for the body.

Applied directly to the skin, for example, it can fight acne, irritation and sunburn.

This effect is due to the fact that its qualities stimulate skin regeneration and reduce the presence of bacteria, which helps prevent infections.

It is also great for improving blood circulation and preventing thrombosis, varicose veins and hardening of blood vessels.

It is recommended as a remedy for the most common respiratory diseases, as it improves the body’s immune response and helps fight the viruses that trigger them.

A daily consumption of this remedy favors weight loss diets, as it stimulates the metabolism and satisfies the appetite for longer.

Finally, it must be emphasized that it is a great way to  combat the sense of fatigue and to get an extra dose of energy.

To conclude, by combining two very common ingredients, it is possible to obtain an incredible treatment for the colon and for the general health of the organism.

Just follow the advice listed and, in no time, you will immediately notice the effects.

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