Remedies For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

After receiving the doctor’s diagnosis, we can take advantage of the properties of some natural remedies to calm the pain and discomfort caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.
Remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

To relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, you must first follow the doctor’s recommendations. While we present some topical natural remedies in this article to help calm it down, none of them represent a first-line treatment.

According to information provided by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, carpal tunnel is a recurring problem that causes pain, numbness, and tickling in the hand and arm. It occurs because the median nerve, one of the main nerves in the hand, undergoes compression.

Since this condition tends to worsen over time, medical assistance is of paramount importance. The professional, after having performed a physical examination and complementary tests, establishes the best therapy to adopt, based on the specific case. In general, this therapy involves the use of splinting, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. More severe cases may require surgery.

Topical natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

Topical natural remedies have been part of natural medicine for hundreds of years. However, the evidence regarding their safety and efficacy is still limited. As a result, they can be used as allies to relieve carpal tunnel pain, but they should never replace medical treatment.

Furthermore, to the extent possible, their use should only be considered in mild cases. Do you want to try them? In the following lines we talk about 7 alternatives that can be useful. Be sure to apply them carefully and discontinue use if you notice an adverse reaction.

1. Arnica gel

Arnica gel.

One of the most practical remedies to use topically to calm carpal tunnel syndrome is arnica. This yellow flower stands out for its high anti-inflammatory power. For this reason, gels and creams derived from this plant are a remedy used for any type of injury.

2. Remedy for turmeric, pepper and olive oil

There is no evidence to support the use of this remedy to relieve carpal tunnel pain. However, it is believed to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, due to its turmeric and pepper content.

A study published in the  Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics concluded that turmeric possesses potential as an independent analgesic or in analgesic compounds.

A Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  article  points out that black pepper exerts anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuroprotective effects.


  • 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder (30 g)
  • 3 teaspoons of black pepper powder (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (30 ml)

Preparation and use

  • Mix the three ingredients.
  • As an oral remedy, take one teaspoon half an hour before each meal
  • As a topical remedy, apply it to the wrist as an anti-inflammatory lotion.

3. Clay pack

Clay is one of the oldest remedies for relieving any type of inflammation. In addition, it is very easy to apply to the carpal tunnel area. We just have to keep in mind not to use metal or plastic containers or utensils for its preparation.

According to a review published in the  International Journal of Pharmaceutics , its therapeutic uses are due, in large part, to its remarkable concentration of minerals.

4. Avocado oil

Remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome: avocado oil.

According to an article published in the journal  Molecules , avocado oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties, thanks to its high content of vitamins and other nutrients. Although there is no evidence of its ability to relieve carpal tunnel pain, it is used for this purpose in natural medicine.

For greater effectiveness, we recommend massaging the affected area with slightly warm oil. We can also use the avocado seed to make the massage.

5. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is quite a popular remedy. The gelatinous substance extracted from the long, narrow leaves of this plant has beneficial effects on inflammation, burns, wounds, infections and various skin disorders, according to a review published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology .

  • We can apply pure aloe vera gel or combine it with one of the remedies already mentioned, such as arnica or avocado oil. In this way we amplify the benefits.
  • We can extract it from the plant ourselves or buy it by choosing it as natural as possible.

6. Chamomile packs

An article published in the  Electronic Physician Journal acknowledges that chamomile possesses anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, it may be useful to combat the carpal tunnel and its symptoms.

  • Just prepare an infusion of chamomile concentrate and apply it on the affected area with gauze or compresses.
  • Alternatively, we can apply chamomile essential oil along with aloe vera or avocado oil

7. Cabbage wrap

Cabbage leaf wraps have been used in natural medicine to calm inflammation and pain, as we can see in a study published in  The Clinical Journal of Pain . While more evidence is needed, it is a safe remedy that we can use on the areas affected by the carpal tunnel.


  • We can heat the cabbage leaf in boiling water for a few seconds or mash it a little to disperse its nutrients.
  • Apply the leaf on the wrist.
  • Wrap it with a pair of gauze to absorb excess moisture.
  • Leave for half an hour.
  • Repeat two to three times a day until complete relief is achieved.

The remedies help to provide relief

To relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, we can use some topical remedies. Although the evidence is limited, most are safe and easy to apply. However, medical intervention is always necessary.

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