Inflammation And Pain In The Knees: Reduce Them With 2 Ingredients

The mix of Himalayan oil and salt combines the anti-inflammatory properties of both ingredients to form a single product ideal for relieving joint pain, such as those in the knees.
Knee inflammation and pain: reduce them with 2 ingredients

Inflammation and pain in the knees can be the result of physical exertion, the practice of bad habits, or an injury.

Even though most people ignore it, these joints are very delicate. Although they are protected from fluids, ligaments and tendons, there are many factors that accelerate their wear, causing inflammatory responses and severe pain.

Although it is possible to treat them with pain relievers and rest periods, sometimes other treatments are needed to avoid complications.

Fortunately, there are low-cost solutions that  combat these pains without causing unwanted effects.

In this article, we want to share a two-ingredient remedy to help relieve inflammation and pain in the knees

Remedy to reduce inflammation and pain in the knees

This preparation to relieve inflammation and pain in the knees is obtained from the combination of olive oil and Himalayan salt.

These ingredients possess anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties.  Their application promotes proper circulation and functions of the lymphatic system.

Thanks to their properties, they also improve the muscle and joint oxygenation process, thus reducing the sensation of stiffness and pain.

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil is a healthy fat known around the world for its high content of essential nutrients and medicinal properties.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds act as muscle relaxants, making them  ideal for reducing inflammation and pain.

Its topical application gives interesting benefits to circulatory health, as it relieves pain in the knees and tense muscles.

It is recommended for its mild analgesic effect and is ideal for keeping headaches, stiff necks and other problems resulting from inflammatory events under control.

The most important aspect is that its compounds are good for the skin by decreasing the negative action of free radicals and toxins.

Benefits of Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt has become a very popular product, ideal for reducing joint and muscle pain.

Contains essential minerals such as sodium and magnesium, which act as powerful relaxants.

Its assimilation improves the activity of enzymes and, at the same time, regulates electrical and muscular impulses in activities that require great physical effort.

It is attributed calming and anti-inflammatory properties which, through massages, reduce pain in the knees, back and hands by up to 30%.

Its application stimulates lymphatic functions by promoting the elimination  of toxins and liquids that are retained in the tissues.

As if that were not enough, it also acts as a natural calming of the nervous system and acts as a supplement for the production of serotonin.

How do you prepare this medicinal mix for pain relief?

Remedy based on Himalayan salt and olive oil

The remedy based on olive oil and Himalayan salt is a treatment that reduces pain without causing side effects.

Although it is not a definitive treatment, its regular application helps to calm inflammation and joint problems.


  • 1 cup of pressed olive oil (200 g)
  • 1 cup of Himalayan salt (120 g)


  • Glass jar with lid
  • Wooden spoon


  • Pour the olive oil into a glass bowl and then add the Himalayan salt.
  • Mix the ingredients with the wooden spoon and, after mixing them well, close the container.
  • Place the product in a cool, dark place and let it rest for about 8 days.

How to use

  • Take a generous amount of product and rub it on the painful area.
  • Make a gentle massage for about 3 or 5 minutes and let it rest.
  • Let the product act for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat the application as often as you feel pain. If you wish, you can also apply the remedy 3 times a week.

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