How To Treat The Main Problems Of The Oral Cavity

It is important to protect the mouth and take care of the mouth and to avoid oral problems. Find out how.
How to treat the main problems of the oral cavity

The complications that can occur in the mouth are of different types: from gum problems to those of the teeth, from the lips to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

It is important to protect the mouth and take care of each of these elements to avoid oral problems , such as cavities, bad breath, gingivitis and canker sores.

How to keep your mouth healthy

More than 50% of the world population suffers from bucco-dental problems.

This is largely due to poor oral hygiene or a few visits to the dentist. It is in fact useful to undergo periodic checks in order to find any anomaly in one of the most delicate areas of the body in time.

This will help you prevent mouth aches, aches and pains and allow you to enjoy good health. To do this, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Reduce sugars : this causes an accumulation of bacterial plaque which increases the risk of suffering from tooth decay and which attacks the enamel. Less sodas or coffee: they are two great enemies of white teeth. In addition, eating too hot or too cold food can cause a sudden change in temperature and make your mouth more sensitive.
oral hygiene
  • Brush your teeth three times a day: in the morning, after lunch and before going to sleep in the evening. Do this every time for 3 minutes. Use a toothbrush, a tongue brush and mouthwash; do not abuse the whiteners and clean deeply once a year.
  • Pay attention to the medicines you ingest : contraceptives, antibiotics, tranquilizers, analgesics, antihistamines and antidepressants, if consumed for a long time, will cause the amount of saliva produced to be less and therefore your mouth is less. protected.
  • Don’t forget to treat sensitive gums : if your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or eat an apple or a piece of bread, go to a dentist to advise you on a suitable treatment.
a healthy mouth

How to treat oral problems


Caries are the most dangerous and common “intimate enemy” of the mouth, since it is the most frequent disease. They are caused by bacterial plaque, the sticky substance that forms in the mouth after eating, when the remains of food mix with the saliva and form a transparent film.

When it comes into contact with the germs that live in the mouth, the sugar ferments and forms an acid that attacks the enamel. For this reason, the ideal is to brush your teeth after eating and, in case you have cavities, immediately go to the dentist to have a filling (if they are not treated in time they generate pain, because they reach the nerve).


Gingivitis is also a mouth disease that affects a high percentage of the adult population. It is caused by bacteria that inflame the gums and cause them to bleed when brushed or when certain foods are eaten.

It is caused by inadequate hygiene and can be cured by going to a dentist, with specific treatment.

There are also toothpastes or gels designed specifically for this problem. If left untreated or untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, a deeper disease that could destroy the bone in which your teeth are embedded.

gum problems

Bad breath and oral hygiene

Bad breath, also known as “bad breath”, can be due to an oral imbalance caused by other factors, such as the presence of tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, incorrect salivation or gastric problems. Mint is one of the most effective natural remedies for getting rid of the unpleasant odor from your mouth.

Oral ulcers

Oral ulcers, or canker sores, can appear for several reasons, including stress, having ingested a very spicy food, having used an oral hygiene product that is too strong, often biting the inside of the lips, having cut oneself with a piece of food, etc. They are formed when the defenses are low and the microorganisms that inhabit the oral cavity proliferate abnormally.

They can also appear in people who use dental appliances. They usually go away on their own, but if this doesn’t happen in several days or weeks, it’s good to strengthen the immune system.

Among the best known natural remedies for canker sores you can use honey as an antiseptic and antimicrobial, applying it directly on the ulcer, or resorting to sage, hydrogen peroxide or rinses of water and salt.

mouth open


Stomatopyrosis, also known as “burning mouth syndrome”, causes pain similar to that of burns. Mostly women during menopause or middle-aged men suffer from it. Some of the symptoms are burning, numbness, a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth.

It can be treated with mint, which is an antiseptic and refreshing herb. Prepare an infusion and do several rinses a day. You can also take advantage of the properties of garlic and onion combined: make a mixture of both and apply it on the tongue for a few seconds, rinsing with cold water. It will quickly calm the pain and inflammation.

The dry mouth

Finally, the sensation of “dry mouth” is also a frequent problem, caused by stress, anxiety, depression, some infections, smoking, diabetes, some problems in the immune system, by taking antidepressants or antihypertensives and dehydration. Symptoms are burning, pain, bad breath, taste changes and tooth decay.

You can use three different recipes to treat dry mouth syndrome: chamomile (an infusion with flowers, which stimulate the salivary glands), green tea (to prevent its appearance, thanks to its antibacterial properties) and ginger (increase the quantity of saliva and at the same time eliminates bad breath).

pain in the mouth

Images courtesy of Daniela Vladimirova, db Photography | Demi-Brooke, Miranda Granche, SuperFantastic, Bradley Gordon and Stuartpilbrow.

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