High Blood Monocytes: Symptoms And Therapies

Although infections are the most common cause of high levels of monocytes in the blood, this phenomenon can also occur as part of a carcinogenic or inflammatory process.
High blood monocytes: symptoms and treatments

Our blood contains many more types of cells and substances than are commonly known (such as red blood cells). A good example are monocytes, cells circulating in our blood that come from the immune system. What to do in case of high monocytes following blood tests?

Monocytes are produced by the bone marrow and carried by the blood to various tissues. Once they reach the tissues, the monocytes transform into macrophages, with a defense function. They have the task of eliminating certain waste substances and agents that are dangerous for our body.

These cells also act in the inflammatory process. Monocytes, then, represent between 4 and 8% of the total number of cells in our blood. However, their concentration varies according to age, infections or the presence of some active inflammatory process.

In this article we explain why the levels of monocytes in the blood can rise and what importance this phenomenon assumes. This is a fundamental aspect, which must be taken into consideration when we undergo blood tests or to know the immune conditions of a person.

Why do blood monocyte levels rise?

As we said, monocytes are cells that are part of our immune system. They are protagonists in inflammatory and infectious processes. We speak of high monocytes when their concentration exceeds 8% of blood cells.

What we do know for sure is that high levels of monocytes are not always symptomatic. However, the symptoms of the underlying cause of this increase will be evident. To summarize, we could say that the most common causes are:

  • Infections, for example a person with malaria. We know for a fact that infections are the most common cause of this phenomenon, although these are transient infections.
  • Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. The most common is rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Blood abnormalities.
  • Carcinogenic processes, such as leukemias and lymphomas.
Blood analysis
Blood tests allow you to count the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the body.

High monocytes due to an infection

This is the most common cause. The number of monocytes increases in the case of a simple infection such as a mere cold, as well as in the case of a chronic infection. Tuberculosis is an example. For this reason, high monocytes in blood tests are not very inaccurate.

Inflammatory diseases

A high number of these cells can also indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. For example, this is the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the joints and causes pain and loss of motion.

Hematological neoplasms

Blood cells can also be involved in neoplastic processes. This means that different cell types can grow uncontrollably and increase their concentrations. Among these also monocytes.

Blood cells

High blood monocytes: how to read the values?

In a complete blood test, the values ​​of all the cells in the blood are usually shown. IS a simple and effective method to identify any pathologies. However, as we said, some data are non-specific and need to be investigated.

Depending on the number of monocytes present, this is likely to be one process rather than another. For example, if the levels are slightly above average, it is more likely that it is a mild infection. On the other hand, if the levels are very high, they could indicate the presence of leukemia.

Your doctor will perform the monocyte concentration analysis. If it deems it appropriate, it will perform the necessary tests to identify the infection or inflammatory process, if any.

Precisely for this reason, it is very important to know if other symptoms have occurred at the same time. There is no treatment to lower monocyte levels in the blood; rather, treatment is based on resolving the underlying cause.

However, it must be said that exercise can help rebalance monocyte levels. In fact, it helps regulate the immune system and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

To conclude, the important thing is to underline that high monocytes are a non-specific symptom. In order to get a correct diagnosis, it is essential to consult your doctor. Moreover, most of the time, they are only a consequence of a mild and transient infection.

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