Increase Longevity With Green Tea

The antioxidants in green tea curb the formation of free radicals, consequently the risk of developing diseases. It is an important adjuvant to increase longevity and we talk about it in this article.
Increase longevity with green tea

It is important to take care of your eating habits to increase longevity. In addition to prioritizing the consumption of fresh foods, excluding ultra-processed ones, and avoiding the intake of toxins, some products can be included in the diet with the aim of delaying aging. Among these is green tea.

It is an antioxidant-rich infusion commonly consumed in many countries. A product of ancient origins, to which some tribes attribute medicinal properties.

This brew, however, does not work miracles. To notice the health benefits, it must be included in a varied and balanced diet.

Green tea helps you lose weight

The benefits of green tea include its slimming power. This effect occurs in the context of a low calorie diet, as stated by scientific research.

Regular consumption of this infusion activates the metabolism and consequently increases the calorie expenditure. Green tea also increases the feeling of satiety; this prevents us from consuming unhealthy foods between meals.

To enjoy the effects of green tea on reducing body fat, it must be included in the diet. We can consume it in the form of tea or supplements. Both options are valid, as long as they are combined with a varied diet and sports.

Green tea helps you lose abdominal fat.
Green tea increases calorie expenditure, as part of a low-calorie diet, therefore, promotes weight loss.

Increase longevity with green tea antioxidants

Green tea has a high antioxidant content. Its regular intake is associated with a lower risk of developing medium- and long-term disease, according to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition . In this article, the consumption of green tea is indicated as a preventative measure to prevent cognitive decline and increase longevity.

The antioxidants present in this tea block the production of free radicals at the cellular level, which is linked to a lower risk of diseases in general. Aging also slows down thanks to these nutrients.

To increase longevity, it is recommended to add ginger or blueberry extract, other antioxidant products, to the infusion of green tea.

Diet and sport to prevent disease and increase longevity

The only two methods currently validated by science for increasing longevity are frequent exercise and a healthy diet. The latter should include plenty of vegetables and fish. Furthermore, limiting the intake of trans fats, ultra-processed foods and alcoholic beverages is essential.

In the case of individuals with a sedentary lifestyle, it is advisable to also reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. The result is an improvement in body composition and metabolic health.

Why does green tea increase life expectancy?

Benefits of blueberries for health.
Blueberries increase the antioxidant effects of green tea.

Green tea is an infusion with beneficial properties for health. First, it has a positive effect on the reduction of adipose tissue. At the same time, it contains antioxidants that help prevent diseases related to cognitive decline.

Frequent intake of this infusion helps to increase longevity. Consuming it as a supplement is also a viable alternative. We must not forget, however, that it is not a miraculous substance. In order for its effects to be noticeable, it must be included in a varied and healthy diet.

At the same time, it is advisable to play sports regularly. The loss of strength and muscle mass is linked to the risk of mortality and the reduction of life expectancy.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, including green tea in your routine can help increase longevity and decrease the risk of cognitive decline. It is easy to find and is within everyone’s reach.

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