Infallible Diet To Regenerate The Lungs

The lungs are the organs most exposed to harmful substances and it is good to detoxify them every now and then. Let’s see what to do to regenerate the lungs with the diet
Infallible diet to regenerate the lungs

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just smokers (active and passive) who need to regenerate their lungs.

The functionality of these organs, among the most important in the human body, can be compromised by toxic substances, by smog from cities, by environmental pollution, by the type of work that takes place or by the lack of physical activity, among many factors.

You can follow the diet that we propose in this article to regenerate the lungs and clean them naturally of all harmful substances. Read on to find out more!

Why is it important to regenerate the lungs?

Many talk about purifying the blood, skin and hair or even the intestines, but what about the lungs? These are the organs that absorb toxic gas and air every day which, accumulating, give rise to various diseases.

This cleansing and detoxification routine is not only suitable for smokers or for those who want to give up this bad habit, but also for all those who want to enjoy good health.

If you usually get sick easily or feel that you lack air (this could also be related to not exercising), if you live or work with someone who smokes a lot or if you have to go through the smog to go to the office. cars and buses, this lung detox diet is for you.

It is necessary, as far as possible, to avoid environments or situations that could “poison” your lungs. We are not saying that you have to move to the countryside, but on weekends, at least try to spend more time outdoors, surrounded by nature.

How to regenerate the lungs

Diet to regenerate the lungs

This routine lasts three days and is ideal to do during the holidays, as in 72 hours you will have to:

  • Avoid polluted places (based on the above).
  • Stay away from smokers.
  • Eat light, especially salads and fruit salads.
  • Avoid the consumption of red or white meats.
  • Eliminate the consumption of dairy products (milk, yogurt, butter, cream, cheese, ice cream), because they cause allergies and intolerances, resulting in respiratory problems for many people.  
  • Avoid caffeine, fizzy drinks, refined sugar, and industrial fruit juices.
  • Drink lots of water (at least 2 liters per day), consume fat-free vegetable soups and drink herbal infusions.
  • Add herbs with antibacterial properties, such as rosemary, thyme and oregano, to soups and juices.

All of this will help you eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the intestine and can cause constipation. During the detoxification process, the lungs should not be subjected to too much strain when working, cleaning, lifting objects or playing sports.

For this reason, we recommend that you put these tips into practice while you are on vacation or at the weekend, so in a period when you can safely stay at home and relax.

Lungs and respiration

Juices to regenerate the lungs

In addition to putting our advice into practice, the lung regeneration diet also includes the consumption of different juices during the three days of detoxification.

Before having breakfast, you must ingest a good amount of vitamin C, which will increase the immune system and improve lung health. Squeeze two lemons and add the juice obtained to a cup or glass of water.

If you don’t like lemon very much, opt for grapefruit. Remember to use natural substances to sweeten the juice, such as stevia or brown sugar, but if possible try to drink it naturally.

In the middle of the morning you need a lot of potassium, a mineral that cleanses the body, prevents cramps and regulates the amount of fluids in the body because it is distributed in all organs. Make a potassium-rich smoothie and drink a glass or two. A recipe that we suggest is the following:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 half cup of plum pulp or medlar
  • Half a cup of strawberries
  • Half a cup of papaya
  • Two glasses of rice or almond milk
  • Three dates

At lunchtime, in addition to consuming raw vegetables, do not forget to consume foods rich in carotene because they improve the condition of the membranes of the lung tissue and protect the cells of these precious organs.

Further advice

Foods that contain carotene in large quantities are: carrots, tomatoes, beets, oranges, red peppers, cantaloupe, mangoes, peaches.

You can make a juice or smoothie by mixing 300 ml of carrot juice, a green or red apple and a handful of parsley. This juice will provide a large amount of vitamin A and especially carotene which alkalizes the blood.

Lungs and nutrition

Before going to sleep (two hours after dinner), it is important to drink two glasses of cranberry juice.

These small fruits have several properties, among these we remember that they facilitate the elimination of bacteria from the lungs and prevent infections. Finally, try to maintain good body hygiene and cleanliness, as well as good habits:

  • Take a 20-minute steam bath to eliminate toxins from the body through sweating. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water or to the towel you will use to dry.
  • Go outside, go to the park where there are trees and plants. Possibly away from the city center.

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