Stop Chemical Softeners, Here’s How

We say stop to chemical softeners that are harmful to our health. We learn to prepare them at home with a few simple ingredients.
Stop chemical softeners, here's how

In this article, we tell you why it’s time to say stop chemical softeners and how to get great substitutes.

Fabric softeners are truly special laundry products. They are used to preserve the softness of fabrics and to give a pleasant smell to our clothes every time we wash them.

It is a very common product on the market and, in fact, it is easily found and also at advantageous prices depending on the brand you choose. But  did you know that many of the fragrances that are added to fabric softeners pose a threat to our health? 

While our freshly laundered clothes smell pleasant, most of the fragrances and chemicals used in commercial fabric softeners can be dangerous, especially for children.

According to experts, commercial softeners contain chemical compounds that can cause skin reactions or respiratory allergies such as rhinitis. Taking into account that many of these chemicals would be harmful to the body if they were ingested, experts assure that they can be harmful even through simple contact with the skin.

Let’s say stop to chemical softeners

Just like other chemicals used for cleaning the house, laundry softeners can cause damage to our health, even if these probably do not manifest themselves immediately and are hardly associated with the use of this product.

Experts assure that most contain phthalates, which are the chemical compounds that are added to give the fabric softener that pleasant smell that we are looking for so much, but which according to many studies cause hormonal disorders in various animals.

Using industrial softeners, therefore, can not only cause damage to our health, but also to the environment.

For this reason, we want to promote the use of ecological and healthy alternatives, which do not cost too much, are effective. Above all, that they do not have negative effects on our health and that they are environmentally sustainable.

stop chemical softeners

Here is the recipe for the ecological version

Now you know that industrial fabric softeners can cause harm to your health and the environment. So you have to start considering making them at home.

Obviously they must be natural and cheap products. Perfect for taking care of your laundry and making it soft.

This natural product requires the use of very common ingredients that you probably already have at home. Their properties will help make fabrics softer and eliminate bad odors from our laundry.


  • 10 grams of baking soda
  • 150-200 ml of hot water
  • 800 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 20 drops of essential oil
  • Plastic container with a capacity of 3 and a half liters

What do you have to do?

  • It is important to use a large plastic container, as the mixture will increase in volume. When you have found the suitable container, pour in the hot water and add the baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
  • At this point you will observe a chemical reaction between the ingredients that will cause the formation of many bubbles in the container.
  • When the liquid has stabilized, keep it in the container of your old fabric softener (or any convenient container you have available), and add the essential oil with the aroma you prefer. Shake and store in a cool place.
  • Then add it to the laundry in water or in the washing machine. Do exactly the same as with your old industrial fabric softener.

Advice to say stop chemical softeners

Before using the fabric softener, shake it well to mix all the ingredients again. For each laundry, 4 tablespoons of homemade fabric softener will suffice.

stop fabric softeners for laundry
  • This incredible fabric softener will help you say no more chemicals but without giving up on clean, toxic-free laundry. It is especially recommended for colors and dark laundry.
  • If you suffer from allergies or have breathing problems of various kinds, this softener will become your greatest ally to obtain the desired softness without suffering from uncomfortable side effects. Furthermore, it will become the protagonist of an important alternative function in addition to cleaning your laundry. It will help keep your washing machine clean of those dirt and detergent particles that tend to accumulate in the holes. 
  • Therefore, do not hesitate to try all the benefits that the use of this softener will guarantee you from your next washing machine. You will no longer be able to do without its delicate aroma and the sensation of softness it will leave in each of your clothes.

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