Unstoppable Craving For Chocolate: Why Does It Happen?

If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of cocoa, opt for a chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa. It improves the state of anxiety, irritability and depression.
Unstoppable craving for chocolate: why does it happen?

IS everyone has had a craving for chocolate in a moment of sadness, disappointment, anxiety, anger or fatigue. Is it a simple whim or can this food really give us what our body needs?

The vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and tryptophan present in chocolate already give us the answer and confirm the benefits of this food for our health.

In this article we will explain why the body needs this food and why we sometimes feel that unstoppable craving for chocolate . We will also see what are the benefits of this food and how it should be consumed because it is good for health.

Chocolate or cocoa?

IS  It is possible that, when we feel a strong desire for chocolate, in reality our body is asking us for cocoa.

IS It is important to point out this thing because cocoa is a very healthy food, but the same cannot be said of some fats and sugars present in chocolate, in particular in milk or white chocolate, chocolate ice creams, chocolate creams, etc.

For this reason we advise you to opt for the purest chocolate possible, with a high percentage of cocoa (at least 70%) or for cocoa powder.

Cocoa plant

How to consume cocoa?

The first step is to get quality cocoa, possibly organic. With this cocoa you can prepare different recipes to replace chocolate or to develop new recipes using its consistency:

  • Milk with cocoa and honey, a delicious drink to be consumed cold or hot
  • Cocoa or marbled biscuits
  • Banana, nut and cocoa smoothie to drink for breakfast to start the day with energy
  • Cocoa sauce, lemon juice and brown sugar to replace hot chocolate as a garnish
  • A spread made by mixing dried fruit cream (for example, almonds or peanuts), cocoa and brown sugar
  • Infusion of cocoa, a relaxing and remineralizing remedy.
Chocolate drink

When our body is missing something …

Cocoa or pure chocolate contain some essential ingredients to enjoy excellent health, therefore, when they are lacking, our body asks us to eat this food.

Chocolate contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, tryptophan. Below we illustrate all the cases in which a regular consumption of this delicious food is justified.

That craving for chocolate … to feel better

Cocoa contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that transmits a nervous signal of happiness. For this reason, cocoa is very useful in case of anxiety, irritability, depression, etc.

These are the times when you usually feel the need to eat chocolate; we must not stop eating it, but opt ​​for a quality product with a high percentage of cocoa, without forgetting to also use other remedies or supplements to rebalance the mood.

Craving for chocolate

To combat stress

Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, in quantities even higher than green tea. This is why we often need to eat chocolate in times of stress, as stress oxidizes our body.

Antioxidants also help prevent aging and the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. To enhance its antioxidant properties, the ideal is to consume cocoa on an empty stomach.

To relax

Cocoa is one of the richest foods in magnesium, a mineral that nourishes the nervous system and muscles and which our body needs every day.

In fact, many therapists recommend taking magnesium supplements because it is deficient in the everyday diet. So, if you are eating too much chocolate, you can try a magnesium supplement that may reduce your nervous hunger.

To strengthen bones and teeth

Thanks to the calcium content, cocoa, among many properties, is of great help in strengthening bones and teeth. To enjoy these benefits, it is important to consume sugar-free cocoa, as sugar hinders the correct assimilation of calcium by the body.

To increase the immune system

Cocoa contains vitamin C, a vitamin that we should ingest every day because it increases the immune system and prevents many diseases, as well as nourishing the bones, teeth and skin. No one would refuse a cup of hot chocolate if they have a cold or when it’s cold!

To revitalize the body

In moments of particular fatigue, cocoa helps to regain energy. In this case, you have to mix pure cocoa with honey and cinnamon and take a teaspoon every morning.

Images courtesy of webmink, Lotus Carroll and IITA Image Library.

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