10 Home Remedies For Bruises

10 home remedies for bruises

Bruises, also known as hematomas, are formed due to a buildup of blood that doesn’t come out to the surface. They appear as a result of a bump or bruise, in any part of the body.

You will surely have bruises too, so you know how painful and annoying they are. In this article we present 10 home remedies to reduce and counter the appearance of bruises.

1. The arnica

Arnica is among the most effective and known natural products to treat any bump or bruise. It has a very powerful anti-inflammatory action, as well as having the property of calming pain. The benefits of arnica are linked to the high content of gallic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, as well as of elenaline and dihydroelenaline.

2. The ice

ice is an effective remedy for bruising

Another well-known remedy for relieving bruises and blows in general is ice. In fact, this remedy has been used for a long time. IS an effective remedy because the cold causes the blood vessels to contract: consequently, the inflammation decreases.

Furthermore, if applied immediately after a bump, it anesthetizes the affected area and prevents the bruise from appearing. It is very important to apply ice immediately after receiving a shot.

3. The salt

You can also use salt to reduce the appearance of bruises. Apply a layer of this natural product on the affected area so that it absorbs the intercellular fluid. The inflammation and pain will subside.

4. The onion

the application of onion avoids the formation of bruises

Another option is onion. In case of bumps or bruises, cover the affected area with a layer of onion. Allinase, the compound that makes us cry when we cut the onion, stimulates lymphatic flow and prevents blood from building up and forming a bruise. Apply the onion immediately after receiving the shot.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Pour a few drops of apple cider vinegar on gauze and apply it on the hematoma with a light massage. In this way, you will promote circulation in the surface of the skin, dispersing the blood that has accumulated there.

6. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera boasts numerous anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it is used to treat any type of bump or injury, especially sunburn. If you apply aloe vera gel on the bump, you will prevent the bruise from forming. With frozen aloe vera gel, you can also eliminate pain and inflammation.

7. The parsley

When a bruise appears, chop some parsley and apply it to the area in question. Parsley has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that will help relieve pain. In addition, parsley also serves to reduce swelling of the joint area.

8. Witch hazel (witch hazel)

Witch hazel is a well-known plant in Japan and China for its properties, which reduce inflammation and relieve pain following a bump. Prepare an infusion with the leaf of this plant and apply it on the affected area, using a cotton ball.

9. Garlic

garlic is an excellent remedy for soothing bruises

Garlic is also a great remedy for soothing bruises. In fact, it is a powerful antioxidant: so, if you apply a little fresh garlic juice on the bruise, the tissues will soon regenerate. Eating garlic is also a great health habit.

10. The potato

Finally, the potato contains an enzyme, called catalase, which helps keep cells in good condition and reduce pain and inflammation. Place a small slice of raw potato on the affected body part and let it sit for a few minutes.

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