5 Tricks For A Thin Neck

5 tricks for a slim neck

The neck is a very attractive part of the woman’s body and, although we often forget it, if taken care of it can be kept nice and thin for longer, so that it can be flaunted with pride.

In this article we explain what are the fundamental tricks to have a young and elegant neck by following some simple beauty tips and taking care of it every day in a natural way.

The neck must receive a series of attentions like the rest of the body, as well as regular exfoliation and daily hydration. However, it also requires more specific attention, as if it were the skin of the face. The same treatments you do for the face should also be followed for the neck.

Exfoliate your neck every week

The first step in keeping your neck skin soft and toned is by exfoliating it regularly. We suggest that you do a peel once a week, as doing it more often could irritate the skin, particularly if it is dry or delicate. To get rid of dead skin cells, use one of the following natural products or a combination of them:

  • sodium bicarbonate
  • sugar
  • sea ​​salt

Mix these exfoliating ingredients with a little almond oil or aloe vera gel to massage the area more easily. Do this gently, without pressing too hard, creating circles from chest to chin. Afterwards, rinse with cold water to close the pores and moisturize the area.

salt is an excellent exfoliant for the neck

Clean it thoroughly

How to deep clean the skin of the neck? With a clay mask which, in case you have oily or combination skin, can be made both on the face and on the neck.

We recommend using green or pink clay : to prepare the poultice, simply mix the powdered clay with water until you get a paste that you can spread without dripping.

To mix the clay, use an earthenware, glass or wood container, but never a metal one as it would nullify the therapeutic properties of the clay. Apply the mask avoiding eyes and lips, and let it dry for about 15 minutes. Remove the clay with warm water and moisturize the skin.

Moisturize your neck every day

How to hydrate the neck? With the same moisturizing lotion you use for your face. The neck is as sensitive as the skin of the face and is affected by the passage of time, losing tone and presenting wrinkles if not treated properly. We recommend the following highly nutritious products:

  • almond oil
  • rosehip oil
  • shea butter
  • jojoba oil
  • coconut oil
  • grape seed oil
  • oenothera oil
  • olive oil
  • Wheat germ oil

Each of these natural products is great for deeply moisturizing the neck. You just have to use it twice a day: when you get up and when you go to bed.

the neck needs to receive the same care dedicated to the face

Massage it regularly

Unfortunately, the neck is affected by the tensions of the day due to incorrect postures, hours spent in front of the computer, sudden movements and so on. To avoid the consequences of these tensions, we advise you to use the moisturizing product you have chosen to gently massage your neck, dedicating it to 5 or 10 minutes a day.

1. Massage the neck using the entire palm of the hand, insisting enough on the area under the chin where the double chin usually appears, in order to activate circulation and eliminate toxins.

2. Separate your thumb and forefinger well and slide your hand from top to bottom, pressing lightly on the skin.

Relax it every night

Bruxism or jaw tension also greatly affects neck tensions which worsen its appearance over the years. To remedy this,  you need to do jaw exercises that help you relax and release all the tension that builds up in this area. Furthermore, these exercises can also be useful for reducing the double chin.

Don’t forget that even at night you unconsciously tighten your jaw, so it is extremely important to take a few minutes to relax this part of the body before going to sleep. Try to fall asleep with your jaw completely relaxed and your mouth half open, in the same way that babies do.

it is good to sleep with the jaw relaxed as babies do

Images courtesy of: Chiot’s Run, osmachosant and Torbein Rønning.

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