12 Millennial Beauty Secrets Still In Use

Did you know that thanks to lemon juice and with the help of the sun you can lighten your hair without having to artificially bleach it?
12 millennial beauty secrets still in use

There are beauty tricks that, although they are very old, are still in use. Take note of these little secrets, which will make you look radiant.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil has been known for centuries as “the golden oil”. Being a great moisturizer, it’s no surprise that it’s a heavily used ingredient in creams and shampoos.

  • Products made with olive oil are perfect for softening the skin and strengthening the hair. 

2 bathrooms

Woman taking a shower

Enjoying a good bath is something very relaxing that will make you feel incredibly good. This well-being will be the perfect ally to feel beautiful and radiant. Baths were already the favorite pastime of the ladies of the nobility in ancient times.

  • Furthermore, if you alternate cool baths with hot ones, you will activate your circulation.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatic oil massages are another way to be able to feel more beautiful. Furthermore, it is a perfect practice for your skin.

  • There is nothing better than rewarding ourselves with a massage with aromatic oil to have a soft and silky skin for a long time.

4. Fabric with different texture as an exfoliant

smiling girl

Instead of using an exfoliant that can be more aggressive and irritate the skin, we can opt for a fabric of a certain consistency.

  • With a good fabric you will be able to exfoliate the skin with the same effectiveness as modern cosmetics.

5. Sugar for depilating

Sugar is a perfect product to create a homemade hair removal cream. If you shave with sugar, you will be able to have soft skin much longer.

6. Rose petals and cream

Rose petals

The rose petal cream is perfect for pampering your skin. The rose petals to give the right aroma and the cream to give the skin greater softness.

7. Honey-based mask

Honey is the perfect ingredient to get soft skin and to fight cellulite. There is nothing more effective than making an anti-cellulite massage with honey.

You will only have to apply honey in the most problematic areas and press the palm of your hand on the same area. You will see how your skin will become softer and cellulite will begin to shrink.

8. Henna

Girl brushing her hair

A henna-based treatment will allow you to have stronger, healthier hair and the color you want. For this reason, women have long been using henna and basma in different proportions in order to obtain silky hair.

9. Egg based mask

Egg-based beauty masks are perfect for moisturizing hair. If you opt for a mask of this type, you will have shiny and strong hair.

10. Cabbage leaves

Cabbage on the cutting board and knife

Cabbage leaves can turn into great allies for women who have been breastfeeding for centuries.

  • Cabbage leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and relieve pain. Therefore, if they are applied to the breast, they can soothe the discomfort that appears when breastfeeding the baby.

11. Lemon juice

Naturally bleaching your hair is possible. To do this you will have to resort to lemon juice and seek the help of the sun.

In the past, people who wanted blonde hair without dyeing it usually applied lemon juice and went to sunbathe. In this way they got the tone they wanted.

12. Clay

woman applying clay mask

Clay-based beauty masks have always been popular for their effectiveness. Clay helps you to have smooth, cellulite-free skin and strong hair

Specifically, this type of mask is perfect if you want to have drier skin. The clay can be applied to any type of skin.

  • In the case of dry skin, white clay must be used. Green clay is the most recommended on oily skin, while for sensitive skin the best option is to use red clay.
  • Before applying this mask or any other, you will need to cleanse your skin well.
  • First you will need to remove make-up and clean your face with plenty of water.
  • Dry the skin very well and apply the clay-based mask.

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