Eggplant Water And Its Benefits

Eggplants are rich in benefits: they help fight cardiovascular problems, rheumatism and sunburn
Eggplant water and its benefits

Did you know that eggplant water is a precious ally for health? In fact, this drink allows us to counteract numerous ailments by exploiting all the precious nutrients of a vegetable that has been known for centuries.

Perhaps you will be surprised to know that in ancient times eggplants were considered toxic and dangerous. The reason? Because of their dark color. However, gradually all the medicinal treasures they hid were discovered in India, thus making them an indispensable resource.

The benefits of aubergines are known all over the world and for example it is known that they are very suitable for treating cardiovascular problems, rheumatic pains and even for treating sunburn. They are a natural remedy within everyone’s reach.

How can you resist? And that’s not even all. Today in our space we want you to discover the three best benefits that eggplant water can offer you. Take notes!

1. Eggplant water to reduce cholesterol

eggplant to improve cholesterol

A few years ago a research was conducted by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America which concluded a fact that had already been understood for some time: eggplant water is ideal for reducing the so-called bad cholesterol.

We explain to you what conclusions came with this work:

  • l ‘ chlorogenic acid is the most abundant antioxidant in eggplant and one of the most effective for reducing the levels of so-called LDL cholesterol;
  • aubergine water has the property of stimulating blood circulation, so that it prevents the fat from adhering to the arterial walls making them rigid;
  • when preparing eggplant water, it is important to also include the peel when cooking. This is where the greatest number of flavonoids, the antioxidants that improve heart health, are concentrated .

2. Eggplant water to relieve the pain of rheumatism

eggplant water helps against arthritis

If you often suffer from pain and inflammation in the joints, do not hesitate to drink aubergine water regularly. Eggplant is in fact able to slightly relieve the inflammatory reaction, redness and pain associated with this chronic disease.

As mentioned earlier, the most medicinal compound in eggplants is chlorogenic acid. It is known to be very suitable for reducing infections and inflammation.

Nor should we forget its countless vitamins and mineral salts, fabulous for strengthening joints, cartilage and muscles.

If you drink eggplant water regularly, you will also get vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E, minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, as well as other equally beneficial components such as folic acid, fiber and carbohydrates.

3. Eggplant water to eliminate fat

eggplant water helps you lose weight

The benefits of eggplant water to eliminate fats are well known and effective. Do you know where these wonderful properties come from?

For sure when you eat aubergines you always notice that slightly bitter taste of the pulp. Do you know what this is due to?

To some medicinal compounds that help purify the body and, above all, stimulate the functions of the liver. And not only this: eggplant water also allows you to improve the functions of the gallbladder to aid digestion and burn fat.

It is also interesting to know that aubergine water is very suitable for reducing the volume of the waistline and for eliminating that annoying abdominal fat.

All this is due to its purifying, detoxifying and diuretic properties. As long as you combine aubergine water with a healthy and adequate diet and physical activity, you will be able to lose fat very effectively.

How to prepare aubergine water?

To make your aubergine medicinal water, you only need one medium-sized eggplant and one liter of water. It’s not an overly complicated process and, as mentioned before, it’s really healthy, so why not start drinking it today? Make a note of how to prepare it.


  • 1 medium-sized eggplant
  • 1 liter of water
  • the juice of half a lemon


  • Start by washing the eggplant well and then cut it into small pieces.
  • Now put a liter of water on the stove and as soon as it starts to boil, add the aubergine pieces, being careful not to burn them.
  • The cooking of the aubergine is at least 20 or 25 minutes, until it becomes soft. Once ready, let it rest for at least an hour.
  • After this period of time, filter all the contents by separating the water from the pieces of aubergine. Afterward, set this medicinal water aside in a dark colored bottle or pitcher for better storage.
  • It is time to add the juice of half a lemon to the inside of the bottle. Once done, shake the bottle well so that they mix well.

You will have to drink this eggplant water throughout the day: a first glass on an empty stomach, another after lunch, another in mid-afternoon and the last after dinner.

Continue this treatment for seven consecutive days once a month. You will see how many excellent results!

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