Dried Fruit And Its Contribution To The Diet

Including dried fruit in our diet helps us to obtain countless benefits that we talk about in this article. Discover them all!
Dried fruit and its contribution to the diet

The world has filled with myriad food trends. We all care about our health and in this area the importance of dried fruit in nutrition stands out .

These foods are increasingly popular. They are an excellent alternative to accompany meals and an alternative as a snack or snack. Did you know that nuts have excellent nutritional properties?

Walnuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and peanuts. All together, combined with each other or individually, in salads, yoghurt or fruit, they bring a large amount of nutrients that favor the proper functioning of the body.

Characteristics of dried fruit

Dried fruit is not a real fruit. These are seeds wrapped in a very hard and inedible peel. They are made up of less than 50% water.

They are so nutritionally complete that they are able to provide the necessary energy throughout the day.

Among others, antioxidants stand out, important for eliminating toxins and helping to prevent cardiovascular and other diseases related to aging. The good fats they are made of, along with potassium, protect blood vessels.

Among the nutrients they possess, there are:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamins A, B and E
  • Magnesium
  • Football
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Proteins

For this reason it is advisable to eat them natural and unprocessed. In the latter format they can lose all their components and even become harmful, due to the amount of cholesterol, calories and fat that the chemical additives generate.

The ideal dried fruit for nutrition

Anyone who wants to stay healthy and enhance energy and control over their body should know that nuts are a great ally. In fact, the benefits it brings to the body are numerous.

Nuts are important in the digestive process and in strengthening the immune system. In addition, it has good fats and helps to balance and control the functions of the different organs that make up the human body.

Mixed dried fruit

Any excess can prove to be prejudicial. And dried fruit is also no exception. Eating it in moderation will help you maintain your ideal weight and reduce body fat.

Less, as always, is better

While any excess represents a danger, in a healthy diet there are also limits on the amount of dried fruit to consume. The fact that it has all the qualities we talked about before does not mean that it can be overeaten.

The best advice is to eat it mid-morning or as an afternoon snack. Dried fruit in the diet is effective because it produces a sense of satiety and fullness.

The appropriate portions are:

  • 30 almonds
  • Between 8 and 10 nuts
  • 30 peanuts
  • 30 pistachios

The best 5 dried fruits to include in your diet

1. Peanuts

They contain folic acid and proteins. They are therefore helpful for the heart thanks to the omega 6 fat and fiber content. They can be eaten raw or in the form of cream, to be served with bread or crackers.

30 grams of this cream can contain 10 grams of protein; it also provides calories, iron, calcium and is an excellent option for breakfast.

2. Nuts

These are one of the most important options when it comes to protecting the heart. It is one of the dried fruits that have higher quantities of omega 3. Polyunsaturated fats improve cardiovascular parameters. They provide vitamins, proteins and fiber.


They help you lose weight, as their antioxidant properties reduce the feeling of hunger. In addition, they are useful in case of constipation thanks to the presence of soluble fiber and nutrients.

3. Pumpkin seeds

They are very rich in various nutrients. In particular of those elements that improve cardiovascular health. They contain antioxidants and are also anti-inflammatory. They regulate the functioning of organs such as the pancreas and are therefore recommended for diabetics.

They are ideal for people suffering from depression because they contain L-Tryptophan, as described by some studies. They are perfect for giving a sense of satiety and reducing the feeling of hunger. It is recommended to take it in moderation.

4. Hazelnuts

This type of dried fruit differs from others by the high content of vitamin E. They also possess a large amount of fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. They have plant proteins such as arginine, perfect for promoting immune and enzymatic functions.

They provide energy, fibers and minerals to prevent bone problems, injuries and the risk of fracture.


5. Pine nuts

They are rich in vitamin B, which helps the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system. In addition, they provide vitamin E and antioxidants. They are ideal for dealing with times of stress and fighting natural diseases generated by the aging process.

These five dried fruits are an excellent source of energy. In fact, all of the ones we have mentioned and those that belong to this category of foods are perfect for losing weight. Don’t underestimate their ability to support good nutrition.

Remember that losing weight isn’t just about these foods. Sports, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day and paying attention to everything you take will be essential to achieve the ideal size. Dried fruit is a very important ally for proper  nutrition .

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