Flat Abs In 3 Weeks With 6 Exercises And A Chair

In this article, we teach you a series of exercises that will help you strengthen the abdominal muscles, define the waistline and burn localized fat, to show off a great flat abs.
Flat abs in 3 weeks with 6 exercises and a chair

Getting flat abs in a short time is a task that requires the practice of intense exercises and optimal nutrition. However, neither exercise nor diet alone can provide the desired results. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain a healthy and regular style.

This extract from a study approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) explains that most medical institutions suggest the combination of nutrition and physical activity to improve health and reduce the incidence of obesity on the world population. That is, they must both be followed hand in hand to achieve the desired results. Reason why, we recommend the following exercises to get flat abs in no time.

The best exercises for flat abs

Girl doing exercises for flat abs

1. Knees to chest

This exercise allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles, improve digestion and promote fat loss. You can perform it comfortably at home without the need for gym equipment. It really is that simple. Take note!

How to do it:

  • First, sit on a chair with your back straight and without leaning back.
  • Then, put your feet in front of you at hip width, do all this while keeping your back straight.
  • Then, lift your right knee and bring it towards your chest. Push your abdomen as you do this.
  • Now, place your hands on the leg to better extend the lower abdomen.
  • You can do 10-12 repetitions alternating between the knees.

2. Raise both knees

This position allows you to effectively exercise all the abdominal muscles. To get flat abs you will need to follow the following steps.

How to do it:

  • First, bring your legs together and rest them on the chair, keeping your back straight.
  • Then lift your knees towards your chest and keep your abdominal muscles taut.
  • Finally, bring your legs to the starting position without letting them touch the floor.
  • Perform between 10 and 12 repetitions.
Abdominal exercises

3. Raising the knees with body tilt

This exercise will allow you to correct your waistline and define it over time. Thanks to the intense work of the abdominal muscles, you will be able to reduce the fat that accumulates in this area of ​​the body. It is a bit more challenging than the previous ones but it is worth doing.

How to do it:

  • First, sit in a chair with your back straight.
  • Once this is done, lean on the chair with your hands.
  • Then, lean your body to one side, leaning only on one buttock.
  • Bring your legs together and lift your knees towards your chest and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the opposite side.
  • Do 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

4. Touch the floor

This exercise aims to touch the ground and is useful for slimming both the hips and the waist, thanks to the movement of both sides of the body. To run it, follow the steps below:

  • First, place your feet on the ground while in a belly-up position.
  • Then, extend your arms to shoulder height.
  • After that, turn your upper body to the right and bend down, touching your left foot with the fingers of your right hand.
  • To finish, straighten your body and repeat with the other side.
  • Each position should be held for about 5 seconds.
  • Perform a series of 10-12 repetitions.

5. Lifting the body into the chair

With this exercise, it will be much easier for you to burn fat quickly and increase muscle tone in the abdomen, back and shoulders. To intensify its effect, you can perform it on a chair with armrests and without wheels. 

How to do it:

  • The first thing to do is sit on a chair and place your hands on the armrests.
  • Then, raise the body, separating the hips from the chair and the feet from the ground, while bringing the knees towards the abdomen.
  • Finally, hold the position for at least 10 to 15 seconds and rest for 10.
  • Repeat the series four times.

6. Knees to elbow for flat abs

This exercise will help you reduce your waistline and  will allow you to work the lateral muscles and those of the lower abdomen. The knee must now touch the opposite elbow, instead the body must be turned slightly.

How to do it:

  • Sit on a chair with your back fried and without leaning back.
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • Then, lift your right knee towards your chest as you tilt your left elbow towards the knee so that they touch.
  • Then repeat for 15 times.
  • Change the knee and elbow and do the last repetitions.
  • Do 4 sets of this exercise.
Flat abs

Flat abs: foods to add to your diet

It is important to note that there are no studies that show that foods alone help burn fat. It is something more related to a process of calorie expenditure than to what is ingested. Of course, the amount of food must also be taken into account, however it is only possible to burn fat on a general and not localized level.

That is, when a certain percentage of fat is burned, it is done throughout the body. For example, you cannot burn fat from the abdomen alone. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a nutritionist as well as a personal trainer regarding physical exercise.

The foods listed below are very popular in the fitness world.

  • Green tea burns fat (without sugar).
  • Turkey or chicken breast, to avoid eating meats that contain fat.
  • Vegetables of any kind, as they can replace white carbohydrates with high levels of fat.
  • Chia seeds to add to salads, as they contain fiber.
  • Fruits such as pear or green apple act as effective fat burners.

To conclude, we reiterate that it is essential to combine a healthy diet with physical exercise in order to achieve the desired goals  and to consult a nutritionist so that he can advise you on the most suitable diet.

As experts say, exercise, of any intensity, promotes energy consumption and, therefore, works together with the diet for weight loss. Also, it’s important to point out that you need to keep track of your calories or when consuming these foods. In this case, we recommend that you consult a nutritionist who specializes in your area.

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