Taking Care Of Weight And Health With Broccoli, Lemon And Garlic

In addition to preventing the proliferation of bacteria, these three ingredients are particularly suitable for losing weight, as they help us eliminate fat and keep us satisfied.
Take care of your weight and health with broccoli, lemon and garlic

The simple union of broccoli, lemon and garlic, as part of a balanced diet, allows you to take care of your weight and health in a natural way. Are you interested in knowing the other reasons why you should consume them? We talk about it in this article.

In general, broccoli is one of the most frequently used foods in weight loss diets, but when paired with lemon and garlic, the benefits are even greater. For this reason, we invite you to discover how to use these natural ingredients to take care of your weight and health .

Taking care of weight and health with broccoli, lemon and garlic: the benefits

Broccoli, garlic and lemon

They help take care of weight

Both broccoli and lemon and garlic are low in calories. To this advantage is added the rich content of vitamins and minerals; essential to take care of the organism and its primary functions.

Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family and are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A, C and E. They are also rich in fiber, which promote optimal intestinal transit.

These three foods contribute to the alkalization of the body and help eliminate unnecessary toxins, promoting internal balance and an adequate pH level.

  • The union of broccoli with the antioxidants of lemon improves digestion and the elimination of fats and lipids.
  • Garlic contains allicin, which acts as a good antibiotic and an excellent anti-inflammatory, able to reduce, for example, water retention.
  • Nor should we forget that the zinc in broccoli helps boost the compounds in garlic.

However, the task of maintaining acid-base balance belongs to the kidneys. Some recent studies have questioned the possibility that the body’s pH can be changed through diet.

They are rich in iron and fight anemia

Broccoli is extremely rich in iron. And if we add to this the vitamin C content present in lemon, the result is that we are able to store this mineral better in the body, preventing it from being lost.

This is extremely positive in the case of weight loss diets, as we can more strength and energy at all times.

Broccoli, lemon and garlic: recommended in menopause

In addition to helping us lose weight, broccoli, lemon and garlic also allow us to counteract the symptoms that accompany menopause.

Broccoli contains high amounts of calcium and phytoestrogens, which are enhanced thanks to the contribution of lemon and garlic. They are particularly suitable for when you are going through those moments when you need “extra” help.

The following article published in the journal Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry highlights the beneficial health properties of taking phytoestrogens.


They protect our defenses

When we follow a weight loss diet, we reduce the caloric index of our diet and deprive ourselves of various proteins, minerals and vitamins, almost without realizing it. That is, we often follow low-calorie diets, a little too rigid for our health, which in fact suffers.

One way to lose weight in a healthy way is to introduce this combination of broccoli, lemon and garlic into your diet, 2 or 3 times a week. Thanks to them, we will raise our defenses and strengthen our immune system. Garlic is a food with the ability to boost the immune system, according to this article published in The Journal of Nutrition .

Broccoli, lemon and garlic to take care of digestive health

Here’s another interesting fact: broccoli prevents the proliferation of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori , according to this study. This organism is the cause of many digestive problems.

Furthermore, lemon allows for better digestion of food and optimal absorption of nutrients.

These three elements promote general health, produce a sense of satiety, help us shed fat and provide us with the energy we need to face the day.

Recipe with broccoli, lemon and garlic to take care of weight and health

Take care of your weight and health with lemon broccoli


  • 1 bunch of fresh broccoli
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • The juice of one lemon
  • The zest of one lemon (5 g)
  • 1 clove of garlic, cut into small pieces
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)


  • First, wash and cut the broccoli into medium-sized pieces.
  • Next, put them to boil in a pot of water and steam them until softened.
  • Once cooked and soft enough for your taste, pass them in the oven to make them crunchy.
  • Place them in a size, sprinkle them with lemon juice, olive oil, and then add the chopped garlic and black pepper, which will give the dish an exceptional touch.
  • Since the broccoli is already cooked, and only needs to be baked in the oven to make it more crisp, be sure to turn on the grill and leave it in the oven for no more than 15 minutes. 
  • Stir the broccoli from time to time, so that it browns on all sides, and being careful not to burn the garlic. If you prefer, you can put the broccoli directly in the oven,  and cook them for 30 or 40 minutes, without having to steam them first; choose the option you prefer.
  • Once ready, sprinkle them with lemon zest, which will give the dish a touch of color, and will provide it with more antioxidants. You will love this dish!

Note: this recipe cannot replace a varied diet, but rather complement it. Exercising regularly and increasing the consumption of fresh produce is the best way to preserve health and provide the body with all the nutrients it needs.

What else is there to know about broccoli, lemon, and garlic?

According to nutrition experts:

  • Lemon is a good source of potassium and vitamin C. And to a lesser extent, it also contains vitamin B complex, vitamin E, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Garlic is a source of protein, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 and sulfur compounds.
  • Broccoli provides proteins, potassium, vitamin C, folate and sulfur compounds. Plus, they’re high in fiber.

In light of the above, there are several common nutritional contributions: vitamin C, protein and potassium. Therefore, if you want to integrate more of these nutrients, do not hesitate to enjoy the recipe based on broccoli, garlic and lemon that we have proposed.

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