Liver Health: 6 Foods That Can Harm It

Although protein is essential for muscle growth, an excess of it can damage liver health.
Liver health: 6 foods that can harm you

The liver is an extremely important organ for the life and health of the human being. It performs various functions such as filtering toxins from the blood, synthesizing proteins and storing many of the nutrients the body needs.

When leading a healthy lifestyle, this organ functions properly. However, when the opposite occurs, the organ can undergo alterations and, over time, develop various diseases.

In this sense, it should not be forgotten that bad eating habits greatly affect the health of the liver . Consuming too much sugar and saturated fat can be quite harmful.

In the next few lines we will talk about 6 foods that can damage it, so that you can start avoiding them immediately.

1. Fast food, junk or prepackaged food

Junk food
Fast food foods are not healthy at all, as they contain high doses of salt and chemical additives used to make them more palatable.

Although junk foods and the like are definitely irresistible and can appear as a quick alternative for a meal when we don’t have time to cook; actually they are a bad choice from a nutritional point of view.

Junk food is proven to be bad for liver health.

When a person fails to moderate their consumption, their chances of suffering from diseases such as fatty liver, a condition associated with overweight and obesity, which causes severe digestive problems, increase.

2. Fried foods are harmful to liver health

Similarly, fried foods have been shown to be harmful not only for liver health, but also for that of the whole organism. Therefore, health experts recommend minimizing (or completely eliminating) the consumption of fried foods and snacks of this type.

Most of these foods contain low-quality oils, which are sources of fat that are harmful to the body.

Saturated fats and various compounds produced by high temperatures overload the liver.

3. Foods rich in saturated fat


Although the body needs small amounts of fats to function optimally, this does not mean that all types of fats are healthy.

Nutrition experts state that it is necessary to consume the following foods in minimal doses and sporadically:

  • Mayonnaise.
  • Cured meat.
  • Skin of the chicken.
  • Butter.
  • Cream.
  • Lard.
  • Creamy toppings.

4. Protein rich foods

Warning! It is true that you have to consume several protein sources, but in moderate quantities. These nutrients are essential for the formation of muscle mass and metabolism, but their excess is counterproductive.

Diets that don’t involve moderate use end up causing liver problems.

5. Sugars, enemies of liver health

Sugars that are enemies of liver health

Excessive sugar consumption is the potential cause of some chronic diseases such as diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

Some people think of sugar only as the white powder used to make recipes and sweeten coffee. However, we must not forget that it is also present in drinks, sweets and industrial desserts.

In the liver, this food promotes the development of fatty liver

6. Alcoholic beverages, harmful to liver health

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of developing serious health ailments such as cancer, fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Alcohol can reach every cell in the body through the bloodstream and cause it to deteriorate.

The liver produces an enzyme known as dehydrogenase, whose function is to metabolize alcohol. However, an excessive amount of alcohol interferes with the production of the enzyme in question, reducing its digestibility.

This, in turn, affects the hepatic cellular structure and reduces its ability to dissolve accumulated fats.

Take care of your liver health by adopting healthy habits

For a healthy and strong liver, moderate the consumption of the foods mentioned in this article.

Don’t forget to consult your doctor if you suffer from liver disease. In addition to following these suggestions, your doctor will be able to prescribe the most suitable drug treatment for you.

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