Exercises And Remedies To Reduce Double Chin

To reduce the double chin we must combine the action of toning exercises with the application of oils and other natural treatments that help us tone the area.
Exercises and remedies to reduce double chin

Both people who have a few extra pounds and thin ones can have a double chin. The double chin is not only related to being overweight, but also to genetic factors, age and some health disorders.

In this article we will share with you the best 5 exercises and home remedies to reduce double chin. If done consistently, in a short time we will be able to obtain a thin and slender neck,  which will completely change the appearance of our face.

Exercises and remedies to reduce double chin

1. Loosen the lower jaw

Loosen the lower jaw

Some cases of double chin, which are not related to being overweight,  can be caused by tension in the jaw. Squeezing the mouth often and for a long time, during the day or night, can compromise the flexibility and firmness of the lower face.

To reduce the double chin, we need to perform mandibular exercises every day. Furthermore, this habit will help us fight bruxism. We can perform the following movements:

  • Open and close your mouth
  • Move the jaw to one side and the other
  • Move the jaw, bringing the chin forward, and then return to the starting position
  • Make circular movements in both directions
  • Making faces with your mouth

2. Untie the neck

The neck highlights our age. If we forget to take care of it, the double chin will appear prematurely. Therefore, we must always keep this part of the face well hydrated and perform exercises or stretches every day to tone the area.

  • We can do them lying down, sitting or standing. The important thing is to move the neck in all possible directions. But we must be careful not to put our head back too far.

If we are lying down, we will have no problem. We will do the movements little by little, with the aim of relaxing and making all the muscles elastic.

3. Exfoliation and brushing

Woman with hands on her neck

To combat neck flaccidity and reduce double chin, we cannot forget about skin care. We must make it a habit to exfoliate this part of the body at least once a week. We can use a specific product or a  homemade scrub  , using for example coffee grounds, salt, sugar or baking soda.

Furthermore, we can use the natural dry brushing technique to eliminate dead cells or improve their regeneration. We will use a natural bristle brush to massage the neck.

  • We will do vertical movements for one minute at most. It will be advisable to do this before going to sleep, as the skin will redden.

4. Hydration with oils

After exfoliating the skin, we cannot forget to make the correct hydration. Keep in mind that many people moisturize their face but forget to do the same for their neck.

In this way, by including this part of the skin, we will bring very useful nutrients to the chin and improve its tone and elasticity. Furthermore, we will be able to prepare our own lotions to reduce the double chin.


  • ½ cup of almond oil or extra virgin coconut oil (100 g)
  • 15 drops of grapefruit essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of rose essential oil

Essential oils have many benefits in eliminating double chins. Grapefruit oil helps us eliminate liquids and burn fat, lavender oil relaxes and relieves tension, while rose oil increases skin tone.

Furthermore, the combination of these ingredients will result in a great aroma.

Preparation and application

  • We mix all the oils and store them in an airtight container
  • We will apply the lotion twice a day, upon waking up and before going to bed.

5. Clay mask

Clay mask

To facilitate the elimination of toxins and liquids that accumulate under the chin, we can make a clay mask.

In the same way that we apply it on the face to eliminate impurities or on the body to reduce the volume, in the neck it can be very effective. Furthermore, clay is capable of providing many minerals.

We must not forget that when preparing the mask we will not have to use tools or plastic or metal containers. We will prefer glass or ceramic ones. Also, we must take into consideration that if we have very dry skin, we will have to mix clay with yogurt instead of water.

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