All The Hugs That Healed Me

Although we can receive hugs from many people, certainly those who can
All the hugs that healed me

There are hugs that heal, that repair the destroyed soul by reassembling its pieces. There are people who come into our lives bringing with them the best they have, that sincere and noble affection that they express through that gesture of universal affection that we all understand: the embrace.

Emotional experts say we all need to be hugged at least three or four times a day. For hugs to truly heal us, however, it is essential that they are given to us by someone with whom we are deeply intimate.

It is not worth the hug of an ordinary person. Strangers and co-workers we get along with are not worth it.

When we are going through a difficult time, when our heart asks for comfort and support, the best hugs are those of the family, partner or children.

Demonstrations of affection are the best medicine. They are able to allay fears and insecurities, as well as prevent depression.

Because, in the end, hugs have that strength that can “bind us” to what is really important: love.

The hugs of all the people we have loved

Our heart has loved many times. In fact, even if we think he is tired and that he has more than one scar that will ever heal, in reality he still hides a great capacity to love.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Perhaps, when we least expect it, we will discover a relationship so precious, meaningful and full that our whole world will find its balance, where our reality acquires a new and wonderful meaning.

Maybe tomorrow our family will grow up. Maybe more children will arrive, we will become uncles or even grandparents.

Our heart will continue to grow, will continue to love and, with each beat, we will heal better and better. Because there is nothing like sincere affection to put an end to pain and pain. There is nothing like smiles to erase the gray and sad days.

drawing hugs man and woman

If you love, embrace

There are those who do not know how to do it, those who do not dare or those who have not done it for a long time and do not know how to resume this habit that they have ended up neglecting.

  • If you love, embrace. Because hugs are the language that does not need words, in which time stops and breathing regulates itself.
  • The world stops bothering you with its noise and also the chaos of your mind, where doubts, fears and emptiness dance, fades so suddenly to allow you to be carried away by that embrace.
  • Rediscover the beautiful habit of hugging your loved ones.

If your partner doesn’t do it, you do it and get them used to doing the same. If your children are already grown up, take them by surprise and hug them, because no one is too old to get a good dose of hugs every day.

The hug: a demonstration of universal affection

It is curious to discover the way in which the various languages ​​translate the concept of love. Sometimes such exceptional and unique nuances are added that it is almost impossible to translate them into our language.

For example, in Hindi, one of the languages ​​spoken in India, when a loving couple separates, their souls are said to carry the viraha , a concept similar to that love that distance cannot break or undo, but which is keep with special passion in the heart.

As you can see, this long explanation is packed into one wonderful word. There are many examples, where love and the art of hugs are always present.

Because in all cultures, in all countries of the world, this act is considered of vital importance to preserve love, to demonstrate and therefore to heal.

Friends hugging each other
  • Cwth, in Welsh, symbolizes that intense and passionate embrace that only the person we love can give us.
  • Naz, in the Urdu language, is a term that demonstrates the satisfied and intense pride we feel when someone loves us, when someone hugs us and we have the full confidence that we are very important to this person.

Magic words that, without a shadow of a doubt, once again show us the power of affection and the importance of dedicating those gestures that express and strengthen it: hugs, kisses, caresses …

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