Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes, An All Natural Remedy

To keep diabetes under control and also avoid the appearance of other disorders, it is important to follow this natural treatment always under the supervision of a doctor and, in any case, never exceed the daily dose of two tablespoons of vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar for diabetes, an all natural remedy

In this article we want to tell you about the beneficial effects of apple cider vinegar against diabetes. Apple cider vinegar is a natural product whose use for therapeutic purposes has been known for centuries.

We like vinegar more than anything else for its gastronomic uses. Yet many cultures appreciate it for its high content of essential active ingredients and nutrients.

Furthermore, numerous  scientific researches  have proven the benefits our health gets. Most of it comes from its high content of trace elements and natural acids that alkalize the body and improve gut health.

One of the properties that studies have shown has to do with apple cider vinegar’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

Significant data have been discovered in this regard. Nowadays it is said that apple cider vinegar could be the solution to control this disease.

Apple cider vinegar against diabetes, the secret weapon

apple cider vinegar for diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent among the diabetic population. In fact,  the factors responsible for the development of this disease are the level of glucose in the blood and insulin.

Diabetes develops when the body is no longer able to regulate the blood sugar level. So both because of insulin resistance and because of its lack of production.

It has also been found that the nutrients in apple cider vinegar are able to optimize insulin function and control blood glucose levels. In fact, they reduce and cure diabetes in this way.

blood glucose test

Medicines have been produced on a medical level that aim to block the digestion of sugars and starches. Thanks to the reaction induced by the drug, the risk of reaching glycemic peaks decreases and, consequently, diabetes can be controlled.

Not long ago it was discovered that apple cider vinegar has certain substances that are equally capable of blocking the digestion of sugars and starches. Therefore it is able to perform an action similar to that of the medicines mentioned.

These beneficial effects could depend on its significant contribution of acetic acid, a bioactive substance contained in almost all types of vinegar.

Vinegar is involved in the metabolism of sugars

Its action prevents the complete digestion of complex carbohydrates. In fact, it takes place through the acceleration of gastric emptying or through the increase in the absorption of glucose by the body tissues.

One of the theories in this regard suggests that apple cider vinegar is able to inhibit the activity of some digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugar. In this way they slow down the conversion process into glucose in the bloodstream.

Thus the body has more time to metabolize glucose in the blood, thus avoiding glycemic peaks.

How to take apple cider vinegar to control diabetes


To take advantage of this beneficial property of apple cider vinegar, it is important to clarify that you must not exceed in the doses. Above all, it is necessary to resort to a completely organic vinegar.

Although on the market you can find different types and formats, in principle the cheaper brands are not recommended. In fact, they offer a product that undergoes many refinement processes. As a result, it has lost most of its valuable properties.

For this reason, it is good to always inquire about the origin of the product or, alternatively, prepare it at home, by fermenting the apple juice.

To regulate blood glucose levels, daily intake is recommended. But without exceeding two spoons a day. Therefore, apple cider vinegar should be diluted in water or other foods to prevent the mouth and throat from becoming irritated.

It is also advisable to take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, or before going to sleep, even if it could stimulate urination during the night.

Alternatively, apple cider vinegar can be used to dress salads or added to smoothies and juices. These are two equally valid methods for avoiding blood sugar spikes after having eaten certain foods during the main meal.

Be careful not to overdo it

Also, let’s not forget that the acids present in apple cider vinegar corrode tooth enamel and can irritate sensitive tissues. Also for this reason, the recommended dose should never be exceeded.

But beware: prolonged consumption can reduce potassium levels and bone density. To prevent this side effect, we  recommend following the treatment for two weeks in a row per month.

People suffering from osteoporosis and, in general, those with low potassium levels should consult a doctor before starting to take apple cider vinegar for diabetes.

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