Artichoke Diet: Surprising Effects On The Body

If we want to lose weight thanks to the artichoke diet, it is essential to reduce the ingestion of saturated fats and to include this vegetable in a healthy and balanced diet.
Artichoke diet: surprising effects on the body

The artichoke diet is not only aimed at promoting weight loss; including in our weekly diet an artichoke a day together with the water obtained from its cooking can offer us wonderful and unexpected benefits.  

It must be emphasized that this diet is not based only on the intake of this vegetable for a certain period of time. The secret is to follow a varied and balanced diet, as natural as possible, free of saturated fats and refined flours, in which artichokes are present every day cooked in different ways.

Below we explain how to make it happen and the big changes that you will begin to notice a few days after starting it. We are confident that this information will be of great use to you.

How to follow the artichoke diet

the artichoke diet is able to promote weight loss

Breakfast options

  • White tea, a slice of toast with avocado and tomato, half a papaya.
  • A coffee, a cup of papaya, plain yogurt and nuts.
  • A grapefruit juice, beaten eggs with spinach, some walnuts.

Lunch options (main meal of the day)

  • Artichokes with brown rice. An Apple.
  • Cream of artichoke with turkey breast. A mango.
  • A salad of spinach, rocket and strawberries. An artichoke with vinegar and lemon.
  • Grilled artichokes, endive salad, lettuce, pomegranate, low-fat cheese, raisins and a dash of lemon.

Dinner options

First of all, we will have to include a glass of the artichoke cooking water with lemon juice. Then, we can choose between:

  • Salmon and wild asparagus. Baked apple.
  • One baked eggplant. Pear jam.
  • Cream of pumpkin soup, a celery salad with green apple and walnuts.
  • Grilled turkey breast and Brussels sprouts.

Effects visible after a week

Stronger immune system

the artichoke diet strengthens the immune system

Artichoke is commonly considered a superfood. It contains, in fact, multiple phytonutrients and powerful antioxidants on a par with those of dark chocolate, blueberries or red wine. The anthocyanins, as well as the quercetins present in this vegetable, offer a wonderful immune reinforcement to our body.

Better digestion

After two days of starting the artichoke diet, we will notice that our digestion is lighter.

  • Artichokes act as a gentle remedy for indigestion and gastric discomfort.
  • One of their most popular compounds, cynarin, increases bile production. It accelerates the movement of food and debris through the intestine, reducing the sensation of bloating. Fantastic!
  • Another wonderful aspect concerns its supply of inulin, a fiber that acts as a prebiotic. Ideal for raising the number of good bacteria in the gut.

Healthier liver

the artichoke diet contributes to a healthier liver

Artichokes are great for reducing lipid levels, such as bad cholesterol (LDL). If we add to this their high number of antioxidants and their purifying and anti-inflammatory action, we will understand why artichokes are so good for the liver.

Among the most powerful phytonutrients of artichokes are cynarin and silymarin. These two elements remain in the cooking water; therefore it is necessary to include it in this healthy diet.

Stable blood pressure

Foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, celery, or artichokes, help us maintain a healthy balance of the body’s electrolytes. In turn, artichokes are very rich in magnesium, an essential mineral to reduce the harmful impact of excess sodium, which is necessary to regulate blood pressure.

Healthy Weight Loss

It is necessary to understand that there are no “magic” foods that make us lose weight. However, we do have foods available that favor certain mechanisms that can help us in this process.

The artichoke, for example, is useful in this sense because it improves digestion and allows you to break down even the most resistant fat. In turn, it protects the liver, is diuretic, nutritious, satiates and regulates blood sugar levels.

Healthier brain

This data is certainly very interesting: artichokes are rich in vitamin K, a very important component for cerebrovascular and cognitive health.

Thanks to vitamin K, we can protect ourselves from neuronal damage and brain degeneration and counteract the possible development of diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Finally, as you can see, all of these benefits are wonderful and interesting. However, remember: the artichoke diet must always be accompanied by a balanced diet that excludes saturated fats, refined flours …

Ready to start today?

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