Avoid Constipation With Our Advice

It is very important that you perform physical activity daily, to stimulate the different functions of the organs, for example, intestinal transit.
Avoid constipation thanks to our advice

You may need to take action to avoid constipation. It is a disorder that can affect you at any time in your life and at any age, so the first thing you need to do is figure out if you really suffer from constipation.

If you go to the bathroom less than three times a week or if it is painful to evacuate, then you suffer from it. These problems are also accompanied by bloating and stomach pain.

To describe the situation a bit we say that it is mainly due to the fact that the feces take a long time to pass into the colon, making it difficult to eliminate. The main causes are:

  • A sedentary life ; In order for the body to function perfectly, it is necessary to lead an active life and exercise.
  • Low fiber consumption ; this is the most common cause of constipation. The intake of fiber is of fundamental importance for the proper functioning of the colon.
  • Changes in habits ; It is common for constipation to occur when you move or travel, as well as when you eat foods that your body is not used to every day.

Now we invite you to know some tips to relieve constipation easily and safely.

Physical activity to avoid constipation


As already said before, it is necessary that the body is in continuous movement to stimulate the different functions of the organism. For this reason, try to walk, run or swim at least 30 minutes a day.

Don’t wait

It can happen to suffer from constipation also because many times the need to go to the bathroom is withheld. Don’t wait long after you feel the urge to evacuate.

Avoid processed foods


Try to avoid cold cuts, junk food, french fries and other “junk”. These foods can be very tasty, but unfortunately they cause irritation of the colon, causing it to not function perfectly.

Avoid cheese

Dairy products like ice cream, cheese, and milk contain a protein called casein that worsens constipation by irritating the colon.

Don’t take just any laxative

Although laxatives can be found in any pharmacy, it is best to consult a doctor who can recommend one specifically according to the needs of our body and depending on how advanced the stage of constipation is.

Eat lots of fruit to avoid constipation

natural laxative to avoid constipation

Most fruit is used to combat constipation, however it is advisable to eat the fruit whole, without peeling, so as not to lose the fiber.

  • For example, papaya contains enzymes that help improve digestion, which is why it’s good to eat a piece on an empty stomach every day.
  • Orange juice is also recommended to speed up digestive functions. Drink it every day on an empty stomach.

Apple cider vinegar

The idea of ​​this mixture is to get a natural laxative : mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a little honey and water. Do not exceed in consumption ; drink it once a week.

Dried fruit

dried fruit to avoid constipation

Like fruit, dried fruit gives the body a good amount of fiber. Berries and dried cherries, as well as raisins are some of the fruits that you can benefit from.

Perfect olive oil to avoid constipation

The use of olive oil to alleviate various ailments of the body is increasingly widespread. Try to take a cup of hot water with a little lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach to improve digestion. It can even help you lose weight.


beans to avoid constipation

As you already know, the body needs fiber in order for the digestive system to function properly. Beans can bring you fiber and more. They are a rich source of proteins and vitamins, they provide iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Apple to avoid constipation

Eating an apple a day can help you evacuate regularly. Furthermore, the peel of the apple works as an antioxidant, contains fibers and performs an intestinal cleansing when it is eaten. This is why we advise you to eat it regularly.

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