Be Happier Thanks To Japanese Wisdom

We must be wise enough to wait for the right moment, as well as let go of what is not good for us and don’t forget that happiness is in the little things  
Be happier thanks to Japanese wisdom

Japanese wisdom is valued by the Western world. Perhaps because the culture, the philosophy and the roots of the spirituality of this country are not very artificial and focus a lot on the individual who knows how to live in harmony with nature and with his fellow men.

Japanese culture also attracts us because it explains how to overcome adversity and how to  find happiness in simplicity,  in the most basic things and in the harmony between the mind and nature.

The Japanese emphasize the sense of coexistence that attracts us so much, which is based on a great respect for previous generations, in which humility of spirit favors reciprocity, healthier coexistence, full of harmony in most families.

We are sure that these teachings based on ancestral wisdom can be of great help and also of daily inspiration.

We invite you to discover them and we propose you to put them into practice.

Do everything possible and leave the rest to fate

“Do everything possible and leave the rest to fate” might seem a bit enigmatic advice but, in reality, it contains a great purpose and an interesting truth.

People don’t have absolute control over everything that happens to them  or what might happen. However, we have an obligation to orient our lives towards our purposes, goals and desires.

In destiny, that part made up of the unexpected, we too have a place.

We can be masters of a large part of our future and it is our obligation to forge it according to our essence.

A kind word can keep you warm during 3 long winter months

Japanese temple

Speaking kindly costs nothing and can go a long way. However, we don’t always do this. We don’t always have enough time and willpower to care about the well-being of the people around us.

Let’s do it, let’s use that positive language that gives wings and that fortifies and intensifies a healthy self-esteem. 

If a problem has a solution, stop worrying

If the problem has a solution, worrying about it is useless, eventually the problem will be solved. When a problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it cannot be solved.

Acceptance is, without a doubt, one of the traditional pillars of Japanese wisdom. Mental clarity is accompanied by adequate emotional approaches, which help us to understand that if something has no solution, the only thing to do is to turn the page and focus our thoughts and energies on something  else.

Do not stop what goes away, do not chase away what is to come

Sometimes people become obsessed with the intent to change the order of things, ceasing to be receptive to what surrounds them or trying to stop what is wrong in itself (relationships, projects …).

  • There are things that must go away because that is the law of life, because that friendship or that love no longer has meaning and because it is necessary to let go of what does not enrich us as people.   
  • Other times, however, we should be able to intuit that things are changing and that new ones will arrive and we must know how to adapt to them.

Seek answers to your questions before it’s too late

Japanese wisdom

The Japanese are always very cautious before taking the initiative. This is due to a clear and intelligent fact: they understand that everything has its moment and that the ideal is to know when is the most appropriate time to do or say something.

What do we mean by this?  We advise you not to miss the opportunities but, at the same time, to avoid being hasty and not to act ahead of time.

Also remember that there are times to ask questions and others to find answers. Moments in which to stand still and observe and others in which action is necessary.

Luck always comes to the house of those who smile

Japanese wisdom

Luck is more respect than fate. It is the ability to be receptive to let the opportunities, the new projects, the best ideas and those gifts that destiny gives us or that we ourselves, with effort and commitment, are able to obtain.

We have to be positive. It is necessary to face life with the harmony that positive relationships,  family complicity, good friends and that happiness of the heart offer us in which our mind knows and understands that everything is possible.

In conclusion, we are sure that these simple vital proposals will have made you think.

Japanese wisdom has just this purpose. He does not seek change, but reflection on the reality of each individual, so that he can create it through goodness and humility.

How about putting it into practice?

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