Being Happy Is A Personal Responsibility

If we don’t worry about our well-being and happiness ourselves, very few people will; we will also be more easily manipulated: this is why we need to defend our values.
Being happy is a personal responsibility

“I deserve to be happy and even if I realize that perhaps not all my dreams will come true, I am satisfied with my balance, the peace and tranquility that I have achieved by accepting what is beautiful along the way”.

Is it selfish to say out loud that we deserve to be happy? Not at all. We all deserve it, just as we all have the right to be loved, respected and appreciated.

No life principle is as important as pointing our existence towards happiness. But one thing must be clear: don’t wait for others to make you happy. To be happy , each of us must start taking care of ourselves.

To be happy you need to understand what you want from life

In reality, we don’t need much to be happy. Those who think that happiness consists in having a long sequence of zeros in the current account or an army of friends in their address book should think again.

A dignified life is enough, which allows us to be independent and to have close people close to us.

Happy friends
  • Happiness is sometimes an act of humility, it is knowing how to find your essence, that is, understanding what you want, your values ​​and what makes you satisfied. Being able to do what we are passionate about and what makes us feel proud is a great gift. Everything else becomes something “accessory”, aspects that sometimes bring more complications than benefits.
  • Understanding what we really want from our life isn’t easy at all. First of all, it requires having lived certain experiences in order to have a clear direction.

I deserve to be appreciated and respected

We must never forget how much we are worth; moreover, only if we love and respect each other, will we feel we deserve the respect of others as well.

It may seem obvious, but those who do not feel self-love end up being manipulated and guided by the desires of others, by a will that is not their own, to the point of giving up their own happiness.

Is it worth it? No.  Defend what belongs to you, your personality, your spaces, your values. In this life we ​​all deserve, as well as we must demand, to be respected and appreciated.

  • Parents need to accept and respect their children so that they grow up confident and happy. Only in this way will they be able to develop that self-esteem that will make them independent.
  • To be happy, a person also needs to be appreciated and respected by their partner. In this case, in addition to self-esteem, reciprocity is fundamental, at the basis of a stable and satisfying relationship.
  • Whoever expresses his need to be respected is not a selfish person. In fact, we deserve the respect of family members, friends, work colleagues and all our emotional ties.

And, even more, if we respect ourselves, we are more able to show the same respect towards others, because we will give them the same treatment that we wish to receive.

In this life it is legitimate to want a bigger home, an attractive, caring and sincere partner, or to aspire to have a good job. But at the top of the wish list we should always put “be happy for what life has in store”.

Being happy is my life plan

Maybe not all our dreams will come true, but happiness, in the end, is not made of things; it is made up of moments, people, experiences.

It is simply about living with your eyes and heart open, being able to enjoy the here and now in the simplest way possible.

  • It doesn’t matter if you are single or if you don’t have many friends, just feel good about yourself and be able to count on people who make you happy and who, usually, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
  • Life isn’t easy sometimes, and it tests us. Therefore another dimension that deserves attention is our attitude.
  • On our “dress” more importantly, the attitude;  what makes us face things with courage and optimism.
  • An optimistic attitude, able to see reality in its entirety and to understand that positive and negative moments alternate in life, helps us to be happy in our daily life. Because those who stagnate in pessimism often end up drowning in sadness.
Happy woman

We need to be able to look ahead and confidently towards the horizon, giving priority to ourselves, and learning to love what surrounds us with simplicity, with humility.

Note: the information presented here may not be useful in your case. If you need professional help, we recommend that you consult a mental health specialist.

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