Calming Muscle Pain With Natural Remedies

By combining topical and oral remedies, we can soothe the pain much earlier. At the same time, we must not forget to stretch the muscles before and after physical activity.
Calming muscle pain with natural remedies

Muscle aches are common and can affect more than one muscle. They can also involve ligaments, tendons, and fascias – the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Below we will see how to calm muscle pain with some natural remedies.

Muscle pain is often closely related to muscle tension, overload, or injury from exercise or physical exertion . It affects specific muscles and begins during or immediately after physical activity.

Muscle aches can also be a sign of a disease  that affects the whole body. For example, some infections (even coughs) and disorders affecting connective tissues throughout the body, such as lupus, can cause a lot of pain.

A very common cause of muscle pain is fibromyalgia, a disease that causes sensitivity in the surrounding muscles and fibrous tissues, sleep disturbances, fatigue and headaches.

Thanks to a variety of medicinal plants, we can treat these symptoms from the comfort of our home.

Relieve muscle aches

Rosemary and alcohol

Rosemary is very suitable for calming muscle pains that arise following prolonged effort, mitigating the cramps and pains associated with this effort.


  • 3 ½ glasses of isopropyl alcohol (700 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves (45 g)


  • Add the rosemary to a bottle with isopropyl alcohol and close tightly.
  • Leave to rest for 24 hours, filter and proceed to use.
  • Apply rosemary alcohol to the aching muscle with gentle massages. There is no need to dry it, just let it evaporate on its own.

Banana and kiwi smoothie to boost potassium levels

Muscle pain is often intensified by potassium deficiency.  In these cases, an excellent natural remedy to soothe muscle pain is banana, since this fruit has a high potassium content, which is why it will allow us to obtain significant improvements.

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in our body,  and plays an important role in the functioning of the nerves and muscles. It also intervenes on the regulatory mechanism of the quantity and distribution of water in the body.

Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and potassium, two important nutrients:

  • The former is considered a natural antioxidant. Vitamin C protects cells and DNA from oxidative damage caused by free radicals formed during energy production.
  • Potassium promotes the absorption of iron. Its antioxidant properties prevent muscle injuries.


  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 glasses of water (500 ml)
  • 2 kiwis


  • Peel and cut bananas and kiwis.
  • Put them in the centrifuge glass together with the water and run for 4 minutes.
  • Drink the drink without filtering it before playing sports  or any other activity that requires physical effort.

Juice of melon, lemon and grapes to avoid cramps

Glass with melon juice and melon slices

This juice is excellent for calming muscle aches in a natural way. The union of the 3 fruits gives a large amount of potassium to the body; which helps relieve pain and also severe  cramps  that can occur during physical activity.


  • 1 slice of melon
  • The juice of two lemons
  • 6 grapes
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)


  • Add the melon, the juice of the 2 lemons, the grapes and the water to the centrifuge.
  • Operate for 4 minutes, until a smooth and lump-free drink is obtained.
  • Pour the contents into a glass and drink. It is important to consume this juice before playing sports or any other activity that requires physical exertion.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to soothe body aches

Muscle pain affects people of all ages  and can appear for different causes. Some of the most common are the incorrect postures we adopt every day, injuries in the area, obesity, pregnancy or lifting heavy objects.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, which is why it is also very good for muscle cramps. As we have already mentioned, the low amount of potassium in the body is the main cause of these problems.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • 2 glasses of warm water (500 ml)


  • Mix both ingredients and drink.
  • Depending on our preferences, we can drink it before physical effort or after, and even take 2 ingestions.

Before doing any kind of physical activity, we need to stretch the muscles, do a warm-up and a warm-up. In this way we will avoid severe muscle pain and cramps.

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