Chicken Allergy: Symptoms And Recommendations

Those who are allergic to chicken often have the same allergic reactions to turkey ingestion.
Chicken allergy: symptoms and recommendations

Chicken allergy is an autoimmune reaction that prevents the consumption of the aforementioned food due to the triggered symptoms. This problem can occur at any time in life, although it is more common in childhood.

Before going into detail, it is good to know that allergies are due to a malfunction of the immune system that identifies harmless or beneficial substances as harmful. They have a chronic and irreversible character. In some cases they can even trigger life-threatening reactions.

What is chicken allergy?

In the event of a chicken allergy, once the food has been ingested, the immune system interprets some of the meat proteins as “harmful”, therefore capable of putting the person’s health at risk.

At that moment, a series of inflammatory mechanisms are triggered that generate a characteristic symptomatology. This typically involves breathing difficulties, swelling, intestinal discomfort, and pain. The severity of the symptoms, however, will depend on the degree of allergy the person has.

Raw chicken on a sheet of paper.
Once the chicken is ingested, the body defends itself against what it considers an attack and initiates an inflammatory mechanism.

Chicken allergy is a relatively common ailment among the population ; the same goes for turkey. Cross-reactivity between the two meats is often common.

It should be noted that it is possible to develop this hypersensitivity to chicken meat proteins without preventing the consumption of eggs.

Associated symptoms

It is important to know the symptoms of chicken allergy. This allows us to distinguish it from other pathologies that have nothing to do with hypersensitivity. According to a study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports , the associated symptoms are as follows:

  • Urticaria.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • He retched
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cough.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Hypotension

It is not necessary for all symptoms to appear together. Depending on the degree of allergy, some may be more or less noticeable. It should be noted that in severe cases even anaphylactic shock that will put the person’s life at risk is plausible.

The latter causes cardiorespiratory arrest in the absence of the necessary pharmacological treatment, as confirmed by scientific evidence. Faced with this situation, an ambulance will have to be called.

Chicken Allergy Diagnosis

The diagnosis of chicken allergy rests with the specialist, as stated in an article published in Nature Reviews Immunology . Oral intolerance tests are usually performed to check for obvious symptoms in the oral cavity.

Arm allergy test.
Observing reactions following the administration of a controlled dose of an antigen is one of the methods for diagnosing chicken allergy.

In the absence of adverse reactions, an antigen can be inoculated at controlled doses subcutaneously for further confirmation. These tests will be performed under the supervision of the doctor, as they require experience and methodology.

They also present a certain risk. In case of anaphylaxis, you need to have the necessary medications. Otherwise, you risk your life.

Other foods to avoid

Those allergic to chicken are also sensitive to turkey meat. However, it rarely exhibits hypersensitivity reactions to other foods of animal origin.

For example, he can easily consume red meat. Egg allergy does not tend to be related either, as it is an independent disorder that responds to different antigens.

The allergic person must carefully read the nutritional labels before purchasing the processed products. The presence of traces of poultry in the products could trigger unpleasant allergic reactions.

In general, it is best to avoid all those meat-based foods or preparations of industrial origin. For example, nuggets are usually made from poultry meat, so they are contraindicated for people allergic to chicken.

When to see the doctor?

Medical consultation for chicken allergy.
See your doctor if you have any suspicious symptoms.

It is advisable to consult your doctor if you experience stomach discomfort, pain, diarrhea, swelling or breathing difficulties more than two consecutive times after eating chicken.

It is also essential to see a professional right away if you feel dizzy after eating chicken or if you notice a drop in blood pressure. In these cases, serious consequences can arise. It is advisable to go to the emergency room as soon as possible even in case of a rash.

Chicken allergy, an autoimmune disorder

Chicken allergy is nothing more than an autoimmune reaction in which the immune system overreacts to an antigen that is actually harmless to human health. It is a chronic condition that has no cure.

If we have been diagnosed with a chicken allergy, it is possible that the meat of other birds is also not suitable; which is why it would be better to avoid it. Otherwise, we could experience unpleasant symptoms.

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