Clean Leather Shoes Thanks To Some Useful Tips

Leather shoes require special attention to be kept in optimal condition. In this article, we share 5 interesting tricks to clean them without difficulty. Take notes!
Clean your leather shoes thanks to some useful tips

Cleaning leather shoes is a task that can be tiring if you don’t know the right technique. Although there are special products to facilitate cleaning, knowing some tricks that allow you to achieve flawless results, leaving them soft without spending too much, can be useful. Would you like to know more?

Here we want to share with you 5 tips to help you remove dirt from your shoes, giving them a soft and shiny appearance. The beauty is that you will not have to buy industrial products, as we propose to clean them using natural ingredients. Take notes!

5 tips for cleaning leather shoes

The best way to keep leather shoes in perfect condition is to clean them after each use. Although we sometimes neglect this aspect, dirt residues accumulate on their surface which can accelerate the deterioration of the material. How to make their cleaning easier?

1. Polish the leather shoes with a brush or cloth

Polish the leather shoes
First, surface dirt must be removed using a cloth or brush.

The first tip for cleaning leather shoes is to remove dirt from the surface with the help of a soft brush or cloth. If your shoes have laces, the best thing to do is wash them separately with soap and water, in order to clean them perfectly.

Brush in different directions, applying light pressure to remove surface dust. Finally, wipe your shoes with a clean, dry cloth.

2. Water and white vinegar

A solution based on water and white vinegar can be useful for removing stains that give an ugly appearance to the surface of these shoes. However, it is important to apply the solution evenly, not just on the stain, as it may leave marks.

After applying the solution to your shoes, dry them with a soft, clean cloth and place them in the sun.

3. Olive oil

Applying olive oil to leather shoes makes them smoother and more shiny. If your footwear has taken on a dull, dingy look, be sure to try this trick. It is suitable to replace waxes and specific products.

Apply a few drops of oil to your shoes and rub them with a soft, clean cloth.

4. Baby powder for grease stains

The greasy spots can be quite noticeable on the skin surface. Luckily, they can be easily removed with the help of talcum powder. This ingredient absorbs fat and prevents stains from forming on the surface.

  • To start, blot the oil stains with a clean, dry cotton cloth until the moisture is completely absorbed. Be careful to clean the grease, as if you rub it, you may spread the stain.
  • Then, apply the talcum powder on the affected area and leave it on overnight.
  • The next morning, shake your shoes to remove residue with a soft brush.

5. Banana peels

Did you know that it is possible to clean leather shoes using a banana peel? Although often considered waste, be aware that banana peels can be used for various purposes. The components contained within them are useful for removing residues that are deposited on the leather, leaving the surface shiny.

Take a banana peel and rub the white part on the shoes. Then, clean with a cotton cloth until all residue is removed. Finally, let them dry in the open air.

How to clean leather shoes inside?

Talcum powder to clean shoes
Cleaning the shoes inside is essential to eliminate fungi and bad smells.

After cleaning the leather shoes outside, it’s time to clean the inside to avoid the proliferation of germs and bad odors. Even if we forget it, sweat and bacteria that settle inside the shoe cause bad odors and infections.


  • First, moisten a cloth with water and a few drops of ammonia. Then, scrub the inside of the shoes and let them dry in the shade.
  • When the shoes are dry, put a generous amount of baking soda inside them. Shake them so that the baking soda is best distributed.
  • Leave it on overnight and remove the residue the next day.
  • Finally, remember to put some talcum powder on your feet before putting on your shoes, in order to prevent bad smells.

Haven’t you cleaned your leather shoes yet? Take notes on these simple tricks and you will see that they will come back as good as new. As you can see, they are easy to implement and do not require large investments.

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