Cleaning The Aquarium The Easy Way

If you think the best way to clean the aquarium is to remove all the water and wash it with soap or detergent, know that this is not the correct procedure.
Clean the aquarium in a simple way

It is very important to keep the aquarium clean to ensure the health and well-being of its little swimmers. If you still don’t know how to clean the aquarium, take note of the advice we present in the following lines.

How to clean the aquarium

Fish are very sensitive animals, so it is important to ensure that the aquarium is always clean. Nonetheless, you need to do it right to avoid serious fish health problems. We invite you to discover some tips on how to clean the aquarium in a simple and correct way.

Don’t use soap

Cleaning products not suitable for cleaning the aquarium.
Avoid using cleaning products with substances due to the toxic content that may remain residual.

It is best not to use soap, dishwashing liquid or other cleaning products that you have around the house. These could leave behind chemical residues that can be fatal to the small aquarium inhabitants.

Use a scraper

Algae and moss, usually greenish in color, can settle on the walls or objects in the aquarium. Microorganisms and bacteria can concentrate on them, so they need to be cleaned with a scraper and brush at least once a week. But remember not to use soap or cleaning products.

Cleaner fish

Cleaner fish for cleaning the aquarium.
Some fish feed on algae and microorganisms that settle on the aquarium walls.

You probably already know that there are cleaner fish. These are specific species that feed on litter and dirt, thus keeping the aquarium clean in a natural and ecological way. Nevertheless, two aspects must be taken into consideration regarding these fish:

  • The presence of cleaner fish in an aquarium does not mean that it should never be cleaned. Although they help keep it clean, they produce excrement and waste.
  • You should make sure that the cleaner fish you introduce are compatible with the species already present in the aquarium.

Clean the filter

If you have an aquarium that has a filter, you will need to clean it thoroughly at least every fortnight. The specialized centers will give you the necessary instructions and will provide you with the appropriate tools and utensils for its cleaning. Remember that you need to clean it thoroughly, preferably not together with the rest of the aquarium.

How to clean the aquarium step by step

Cleaning an aquarium step by step.
To clean the aquarium it is not necessary to completely remove the water. Just remove three quarters of it.

Many people mistakenly believe that to clean the aquarium you have to remove the fish, empty it completely and then wash it with soap and water. Nothing more wrong!

The water should be changed every two or three days, but it is not necessary to empty the aquarium completely, it is enough to change only about three quarters of the water.

We insist that the use of soap can always leave traces that could be toxic and lethal to our little swimmers. Better to use natural products, such as vinegar.

Steps to follow

  • Remove all accessories (stones, plants, ornaments) from the aquarium and clean them with plenty of running water. If necessary, use a scraper or brush. Clean them well until the water comes out clean.
  • Pour the water contained in the aquarium together with the fish into another container. For this operation, use a container that does not contain traces of soap or detergent. Then transfer the water and the fish.
  • Scrape the walls of the aquarium being careful to remove any traces of algae or encrusting debris.
  • Afterwards, clean with a little vinegar and a cloth. After thoroughly cleaning the aquarium, remove all traces of vinegar with plenty of running water. After that, let it dry well.
  • Return the fish to the tank, but only with some water (enough to move).
  • In another container, add the new water needed to fill the aquarium. The time has come to treat it with specific products that make it suitable for fish; they are free of chlorine or other harmful chemicals.
  • Follow the instructions on the water treatment kit and then, making sure it has reached the same water temperature as the fish are, add it to the aquarium.


Cleaning the aquarium is not difficult and you don’t have to change all the water, as this would cause a texture for the fish. Just change about 3/4 and make sure all accessories and aquarium walls are clean and free of algae.

Finally, remember: never use soap or classic cleaning products, as they could be very dangerous for your pets. Above all, keep in mind that a well-cleaned aquarium is a guarantee for the health of your fish.

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