Colds In Pregnancy: Prevent It And Find Relief

Having a cold during pregnancy can alarm the expectant mother. However, there are some tips that can be taken into account to prevent it and calm the symptoms.
Cold in pregnancy: prevent it and find relief

Having a cold in pregnancy can raise doubts and uncertainties in the woman. The symptoms of a cold can be varied, which is why it is recommended that you take a number of steps to get relief. This is especially true during gestation, a phase that requires more attention.

What is a cold?

The common cold, recognizable by the presence of phlegm, is an upper respiratory disease caused by a virus. It is one of the most common ailments and one of the main reasons for seeking medical attention.

The main symptoms are rhinorrhea, sneezing, cough, fever and headache, which last between 4 and 10 days. There is no definitive cure for diagnosed with the common cold. As this is a viral disease, the body will activate the immune system to counteract it.

However, it is possible to take different drugs to calm the symptoms described, although in the case of pregnant women the choice is rather limited.

Cold symptoms

Cough with phlegm in pregnancy.
Nasal congestion is the main symptom of a cold, followed by a cough and a few lines of fever.

In spring and autumn it is easier to see an increase in medical consultations due to colds. The first symptoms to appear are nasal congestion or cough, which increase with each passing day. They are rarely accompanied by fever, even if the appearance of the latter should not alarm if it does not exceed 39 ° C.

Especially for those in their first gestation there are many doubts in case of a cold. It is good to know, however, that the viruses responsible for colds do not interfere with the development of the unborn child, so there is no risk to his health. It is however advisable to inform the doctor about the symptoms accused.

Preventing colds in pregnancy

Wash your hands.
Washing your hands is the main measure to prevent colds.

The best and most effective measure to prevent infection is hand washing. Infection usually occurs through so-called Flügge droplets, small drops of saliva that are usually not visible and are expelled while talking, coughing or sneezing.

Many people think that you should only wash your hands before handling food, but it is a good habit to perform proper hand hygiene several times a day. This significantly reduces the risk of infections.

It is advisable to avoid contact with cold children or elderly people. If you have children and they are cold, make sure they wash their hands often and don’t share food or drink with others. Not kissing the lips is another measure to be aware of if you have cold symptoms.

How to calm the symptoms of colds in pregnancy

Medical examination during pregnancy.
Absolutely avoid self-medication. Before taking any drug, ask your doctor for advice.

The common cold is caused by a virus and there is no definitive cure. All the remedies and drugs on the market are aimed at calming the symptoms caused.

Self-medication in case of cold during pregnancy is absolutely to be avoided. Drug treatment must be prescribed by the doctor. In addition to medicines, some do-it-yourself remedies improve symptoms:

  • Nasal washes with physiological solution: stimulate the elimination of secretions and residues.
  • Suffumigi : fluidify secretions and promote their expulsion.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of water keeps the cells hydrated and promotes the elimination of fluids.
  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables to increase the intake of essential vitamins for the immune system.

In case of a cold during pregnancy, opt for natural solutions that provide relief from symptoms and always consult your doctor if in doubt. 

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