Cookies Made From Oats, Flax And Sesame As A Snack During The Diet

Sometimes we don’t know which foods are the most suitable as a snack during the diet. Here we present three variants that provide nutrients to the body but, at the same time, help you lose weight.
Cookies made from oats, flax and sesame as a snack during the diet

Among the foods that can be easily found, there are several products that have countless benefits for our body. In addition, they can be added as snacks during the diet. This is the case with oat, flax and sesame based cookies.

They are among the most beneficial ingredients, as well as being cheap: oats, flax and sesame bring a number of benefits to the human body.

One of the main qualities of these three foods is that they help you lose weight in a healthy way. In addition, they offer a great variety of beneficial properties for our body.

It is important to bear in mind that losing weight can be very difficult and one of the main difficulties has to do with anxiety.

It is for this reason that we offer you an ideal option to lose weight in a healthy way and, at the same time, calm hunger pangs during the diet : cookies made with oats, flax and sesame.

The benefits of oat, flax and sesame cookies during your diet

Benefits of oats

Oats have a high fiber content and help to cleanse our body. At the same time it is perfect for avoiding cholesterol problems, according to this study carried out by the Quadram Institute Bioscience (UK), as well as keeping the blood sugar level under control.

Oats in the diet

In addition, oats are an ally to improve digestion, as it facilitates intestinal transit thanks, as we have previously stated, to its contribution of fiber.

Not to mention, its slow-absorbing carbohydrate content will allow you to feel full for a long time, as stated by the European Institute of Dietetics, Nutrition and Health (DYN).

Finally, it is thought to help contain the effects of problems related to thyroid malfunction (responsible for regulating metabolism), because it contains iodine, which would promote the proper functioning of this gland.

This is an important aspect when you want to lose weight, as some cases of overweight are not the result of overeating, but of a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Properties of flax

Flax is a seed that offers a large amount of minerals that are beneficial to the body.

Among other things, it has a high fiber content, which helps control blood pressure, blood sugar level and helps improve the digestive process.

The high level of Omega 3, which prevents the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, is characteristic of flax, as this study carried out by Brown’s University states.It is also rich in B vitamins and other essential minerals.

Flax seed

Properties of sesame

Sesame is a rich source of minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins of group B and E.

Among its qualities, the following stand out:

  • Helps prevent cholesterol. So affirms this research carried out by the General University Hospital Calixto García “(Cuba).
  • Stimulates proper arterial function. It avoids the development of atherosclerosis, according to this study from the Central University of Florida (United States).
  • Improve intestinal functions. This study conducted by the Hindu Banaras University also associates it with the prevention of intestinal parasites.
  • It contributes to the correct state of the nerves and avoids cognitive decline. This is stated by this research conducted by the Institute for Health Care Science of Kyoto (Japan).

Sesame is also used to treat osteoporosis, as this study from the University of Mansoura (Egypt) states, making it one of the most beneficial seeds.

Oatmeal, flax and sesame cookies

Below we present an ideal recipe as a snack during the diet. It will allow you to get all the benefits we told you about earlier.

And you will have them all in a single cookie, with the advantage of reducing anxiety, so frequent when you are following a strict weight loss diet.

oat, flax and sesame based cookies in the oven


  • A whole egg (both red and egg white).
  • ¼ cup of sugar (50 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (7 ml).
  • 1 cup of oats (230 g).
  • ½ teaspoon of baking powder (3.5 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of soaked flax (15 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of toasted sesame (15 g).


  • The steps to follow are very simple. You simply have to mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a consistent dough.
  • Once obtained, take a small amount of dough with a spoon and put it in a baking pan, which you have previously greased.
  • To make sure they cook well, you need to lightly crush each biscuit in the center.
  • Then, bake for about 30 minutes at 180 °.

Some final tricks

Ideally, these oat, flax and sesame cookies have all three ingredients. But don’t feel limited by the absence of any of these.

What cannot be missing is oats, because it is the ingredient that allows you to obtain the ideal consistency, since these cookies are flourless.

While, when using flax seeds, make sure they have been soaked. It is a particularly hard seed for our organism. For this, before using them, it is recommended to soften them.

Finally, it is important that the sesame is toasted.

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