Couple Relationship: 5 Things To Never Allow

It is good to give everything to someone when the other also gives us all of himself. But never leave family or friends aside for your partner. Ask yourself if the person next to you guarantees harmony and tranquility and if it is next to them that you want to grow old.
Couple relationship: 5 things to never allow

There is nothing more intense and rewarding in the relationship of a couple than being in love, having a partner who loves us and to love. However, we must be careful and not fall into the error of giving absolutely everything for this person… For this reason, we explain to you which dimensions you must protect above all else.

Dimensions to protect in your relationship

love in the couple relationship

1. Do not give “everything” without ever receiving “nothing” in return

This is a common mistake. Loving someone means giving vent to all our emotions without any limits, giving everything out of passion and sincere altruism. Of course this is a positive aspect, always and when the other person reciprocates and shows us that all the effort is worth it, that all gestures are supported by a sincere love in which selfishness does not exist.

If you give everything without receiving anything but demands or reproaches, there will come a time when you will feel frustrated and empty. This feeling is highly destructive and you have to take it into account. Love, give, offer… but remember that you too deserve to receive the same treatment.

2. The relationship does not destroy your self-esteem or your values

couple relationship - Self-esteem

In a couple it is normal that there are different tastes, interests and even values, but as long as there is respect and gratitude, everything will work out well. You can allow your partner, for example, to greatly value spontaneity, fun, going out a lot, but at the same time require to share everything with you and that in turn understand when you ask him for quieter and more intimate days every now and then. in home.

There must be a balance. However, if the other person criticizes you for not being “that funny” or very party-loving, then you will feel bad and start doubting yourself. Am I really a boring person? Am I a person with whom he / she cannot be happy?

These kinds of questions can damage your self-esteem a lot. Your partner must respect and value you. It is essential. If there is no respect, there can be no happiness.

3. That it does not invade or destroy your personal space

We all have our interests, our friends, our passions… things we cannot give up. Never set aside your family and friends for your partner. Do not give up on everything you like for your partner, otherwise you will have nothing left and you will lose your identity more and more.

Personal spaces  are those intimate spaces where our personality, our social life and our passions are located. Don’t ignore it!

4. The relationship does not erase your dreams and your hopes


Sometimes emotional relationships are maintained with toxic partners. People who cut their wings and repeat day after day that you are not able to do something,  that you are not smart to do certain activities, that you will never get the job you want so much because you are not up to it.

Personality that day after day clip your wings and cancel your aspirations, making your personality a caricature in which there is just panache and energy. Never allow it.

5. Don’t let them turn you into an unhappy person

Is the most important thing. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself if you are happy. Ask yourself if the person next to you is the one with whom you want to grow old, the one who will accompany your maturity and who will live with you in harmony and tranquility.

If your partner brings you security, maturity and desire to grow, do not doubt: this relationship is right and you have to fight for it. If, on the other hand, you feel empty and you perceive that your partner does not give you smiles, but tears, and that you live your days with great sadness, you must react. You deserve to be happy. It is the vital right of any person.

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