Dark Spots On The Skin: Natural Recipe

Several factors can favor the appearance of dark spots on the skin. They can be reduced thanks to some natural treatments.
Dark spots on the skin: natural recipe

Excessive exposure to the sun, the use of deodorants or certain products, the lack of exfoliation … these are just some of the causes that lead to the formation of dark spots on the skin. The areas most affected by this phenomenon are the armpits, elbows and knees. In this article we will give you some natural recipes to reduce dark spots on the skin .

How to treat dark spots on the skin?

For several reasons, the skin can become darker and look ugly. Melasma or chloasma is a condition caused by an increase in the production of melanin at the cellular level.

In addition to being due to our daily habits (sun exposure, use of deodorants, hair removal or lack of exfoliation), it can also be caused by pregnancy, genetic factors or the passage of time.

The good news is that there are several natural treatments that can be of great use. Take advantage of the goodness of mother nature!

1. Aloe vera for dark spots on the skin

Aloe vera for dark spots on the skin

This plant should not be missing in any home, as it has multiple medicinal properties for skin care. It will be useful against burns, wounds, mosquito bites and, of course, in case of dark spots on the skin.

It’s very simple: cut an aloe vera stalk and then open it horizontally (be careful not to prick yourself). Extract the internal gel and apply it to clean skin. Do not rinse, preferably leave it on for the whole night. Repeat the treatment every day.

2. Lemon juice

It is very important that this treatment for dark spots on the skin is done in the evening, as if the acids of the lemon come into contact with the sun’s rays, you will get the opposite result.

Before going to bed, squeeze the juice of this citrus fruit into a glass, soak a cotton ball and wipe it on the areas you want to whiten. In the morning, rinse with cold water and apply a moisturizer. Do this 3 times a week.

3. Milk for dark spots on the skin

Glass of milk

It is another ally for the skin if used regularly. It is used in the same way as lemon juice. It must be at room temperature or cold (just taken from the fridge). Apply it with a cotton swab and let it absorb completely without rinsing. Milk enzymes will reduce dark spots on the skin.

4. Plantain

This herb that you make tea with can be an excellent natural remedy for melasma.


  • 1 cup of water (250 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons of plantain (20 grams)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and heat it.
  • Once it comes to a boil, add the plantain and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and let cool with a lid.
  • Once at room temperature, filter the infusion.
  • Apply the liquid (with a cotton ball or tissue) to the stained areas.
  • Repeat every day in the morning and in the afternoon. Do not rinse.

5. Onion

Sliced ​​onion

Onion juice is ideal for getting rid of underarm blemishes. Check if the area is irritated, as this remedy can cause burning. You will only need a small red onion.

Grind it with a mortar or mixer to form a dough. Apply it before going to bed and leave it on for 10 minutes. Remove with plenty of cold water.

6. Yogurt

It acts in a similar way to milk, but in this case we can make a mask thanks to the consistency of the product. If we mix it with a grated carrot, the result will be even more effective.


  • 1 pot of yogurt (200 grams)
  • 1 carrot


  • Cut and grind the carrot.
  • Put everything in the blender and add the yogurt.
  • Mix until you get a homogeneous cream.
  • Apply to the stained area.
  • Leave for 15 minutes and remove with fresh water.
  • Repeat this treatment 3 times a week.

7. Comfrey

Comfrey for dark spots

Here is another plant that can be used to eliminate the horrible spots due to hair removal with waxing, perspiration or excessive hours of exposure to the sun.


  • 10 tablespoons of comfrey (100 grams)
  • 10 tablespoons of olive oil (200 grams)


  • In a saucepan put the olive oil and the comfrey.
  • Cook in a bain-marie (a container with water on the stove with another container with the ingredients inside) for about 19 minutes.
  • Leave to rest for 20 minutes and strain into an opaque glass bowl.
  • Once it has reached room temperature, apply it with a cotton swab on the stained area, previously washed and dried.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day for at least a week.

8. Cucumber

Another ingredient that should not be missing from any list of skin products. Cucumber is composed of water, natural oils and vitamin E, for this reason it is recommended for skin care.

To take advantage of its benefits you just have to remove the peel, cut it and remove the seeds. Then put everything in the blender and apply on the area as if it were a mask. Leave on for 20 minutes and remove with warm water. Finally apply a moisturizer.

9. Sugar

Mug with sugar

Finally, a homemade exfoliant that can be useful for removing dark spots on the skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (40 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of water (10 grams)


  • Mix the sugar with the water until it forms a sandy dough (add more water if necessary).
  • Apply to the skin using circular movements.
  • Remove with warm water.

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