Diuretic Foods To Include In The Diet

To combat water retention and promote the purification of the body of toxins, it is advisable to include diuretic foods that also provide vitamins
Diuretic foods to include in the diet

Diuretic foods are those that, due to their nutritional composition, help to balance the fluids and electrolytes of the body.

They are rich in water and potassium, as well as other essential minerals that help eliminate excess sodium through urine.

The consumption of these products promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys and the cleansing of the urinary tract, also allowing to keep under control the inflammation caused by water retention in the tissues.

Diuretic foods

These foods are also recommended for those who want to lose weight, because, in exchange for a few calories, they improve the waste elimination process and activate the metabolism.

Taking into account that regular consumption of these products is good for the health of the body, below we will talk about the 7 foods that are worth including in the diet.

What are you waiting for to try them?

1. Tomato

tomato one of the best diuretic foods

Tomato is one of the diuretic vegetables that should never be missing from your nutrition program.

Known for its multiple culinary applications, tomato is a natural source of essential nutrients that help fight water retention.

  • It is made up of more than 90% water and provides large amounts of essential minerals that help balance electrolyte levels.
  • Regular consumption of tomatoes promotes good kidney health, protects the heart system from conditions such as high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia.

2. Cucumber, one of the best diuretic foods

Cucumber is one of the most recommended diuretic foods for the treatment of edema and inflammatory problems such as arthritis.

  • In addition to the high water content, cucumber also contains antioxidants that restore normal activities in the circulatory and lymphatic system, facilitating the expulsion of fluids and toxins.
  • Tomatoes contain a significant amount of potassium, a mineral that helps balance sodium levels to prevent kidney problems.
  • It also provides minerals such as sulfur and silicon, which are necessary for the correct elimination of uric acid.

3. Pineapple

chopped pineapple

Pineapple is one of the tropical fruits known all over the world for its effectiveness in case you want to lose weight or to prevent kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

  • This fruit is low in calories and rich in enzymes such as bromelain, and is also a food with digestive properties that helps fight excess weight and intestinal problems.
  • Pineapple is 85% water and contains high levels of fiber, vitamin C and minerals that help balance body fluids.

4. Diuretic foods the beet

Beetroot is a vegetable rich in water, minerals and antioxidant compounds that strengthen kidney and liver health.

  • Consumed fresh or in the form of juice, beetroot is a very complete food that facilitates the elimination of liquids and other waste substances that accumulate in the tissues.
  • Beetroot provides significant amounts of iron, magnesium and potassium, all minerals necessary to fight inflammatory imbalances that compromise the body’s good health.

As if that weren’t enough, it has a satiating effect, which is important for anyone trying to lose weight.

5. Watermelon

sliced ​​watermelon

Watermelon is a natural diuretic food whose essential nutrients help prevent and treat various types of diseases.

  • It is one of the richest fruits in water, therefore it is also one of those that provide the least calories.
  • It offers significant amounts of potassium and magnesium, two essential minerals for regulating the body’s electrolytes.
  • Minerals, along with vitamins and antioxidants, fight tissue inflammation and help eliminate accumulated fluids.

6. Melon

This delicious fruit is composed of more than 90% water, therefore it boasts diuretic and purifying properties.

For decades , melon has been chosen for its refreshing and nourishing action, in fact it contains fiber, vitamins and other compounds that are good for health.

  • Regular consumption of melon helps fight water retention and inflammation, thus avoiding the development of chronic ailments.
  • It provides antioxidants such as beta-carotenes, necessary to inhibit oxidative damage that accelerates the aging process.

7. Diuretic foods: onion

red onion cut in half

Onion is a vegetable rich in vitamins and trace elements that help relieve inflammation, thus promoting diuresis in the renal system.

  • It contains interesting amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are necessary to rebalance the body’s mineral salts.
  • It is composed of 91% water, which gives this vegetable a powerful diuretic and detoxifying effect.
  • The properties of the onion promote the functioning of the kidneys and, consequently, protect the urinary tract from possible infections.

Do you have water retention problems or do you feel inflamed? Add these foods to your regular diet and you will notice the improvements immediately.

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