Dream Lashes Thanks To 13 Amazing Tricks

In addition to applying a good mascara, so that the lashes stand out even more and make our eyes more intense, it is also necessary to use some precautions to make them stronger and prevent them from falling out.
Dream lashes thanks to 13 amazing tricks

Most women are not lucky enough to be able to boast naturally wide and thick dream lashes, if not with a specific treatment.

It is precisely in response to this that the cosmetic industry and beauty professionals have concentrated their efforts to develop techniques and treatments that can improve the appearance of the eyelashes in a short time.

The problem, however, lies in the fact that they are too expensive treatments, which require regular interventions to keep the eyelashes always perfect; more often than not, these are techniques that, in the long run, turn out to be too aggressive.

The good news is that there are some completely natural beauty tricks that can make our lashes thicker, without exposing them to any risks or spending a fortune.

Even if they are options that certainly take longer to give satisfactory results, they are still excellent remedies to be able to give our eyes a sensual and attractive look.

In this article we want to show you the thirteen best tricks, to be introduced immediately in your beauty rituals .

Take note!

13 tips to have dream lashes

1. Increase the volume of your lashes in no time

mascara and talcum powder lashes

If you want dream lashes and give more volume in seconds, apply a layer of mascara and, immediately after, sprinkle them with talcum powder.

Let it dry for a few seconds and then apply another layer of mascara.

2. Use the applicator according to the desired effect

dream eyelash mascara applicator

If you want to get volume, apply the mascara by running the applicator horizontally over the lashes, until they are all covered. 

If, on the other hand, you want an elongated effect, you will have to pass the mascara while keeping the applicator in a vertical position.

3. Use an eyelash comb

dream eyelash comb

Eyelash combs are readily available at any beauty shop and are sometimes even included in the mascara cap.

This accessory should never be missing from those used for your daily beauty ritual , because it is essential to prevent lumps of mascara from forming between the lashes.

4. Coconut oil

coconut-oil dream eyelashes

Daily use of coconut oil before bed is a good alternative for lubricating, moistening and strengthening lashes.

Dip a clean brush in the oil and apply the product on the lashes, taking care to spread it entirely from the base to the tips.

5. Extend the useful life of your mascara

mascara in water lashes dream

When your mascara is drying and getting too thick, it is impossible to achieve a clean and well defined effect.

To extend the life of your mascara and make it more fluid in a few minutes, we recommend immersing the bottle in a glass of warm water.

6. Use two types of mascara

different types of dream eyelash mascara

If you want well-defined, easy-to-remove dream lashes, use two types of mascara for each application.

You will apply the first coat with a normal mascara and the second with a water resistant one.

7. Stimulate eyelash growth with green tea

te-verde dream eyelashes

Green tea is another prodigious natural ingredient that will stimulate the natural growth of your eyelashes: this product, in fact, not only reduces the fall of the eyelashes but, thanks to its antioxidant properties, it will also protect them against the aggression of external agents.

8. Dilute the mascara

dilute dream eyelash mascara

With this trick you can make your mascara more fluid and thus avoid the formation of unsightly lumps during its application. All you have to do is add a couple of drops of eye makeup remover solution to the bottle of the rimmel and shake vigorously.

It will be as good as new!

9. Use a spoon

makeup-of-the-spoon-rimmel dream eyelashes

Here is a simple trick to avoid getting your eyelids dirty when you put on the rimmel: place a spoon behind your lashes and you will avoid the unsightly stains.

10. Apply mascara and curl lashes at the same time

apply-and-curl your dream lashes

If your problem is lack of time, but you don’t want to give up a pair of dream lashes, try curling your lashes with the help of an eyelash curler and, before opening it again, apply your favorite mascara.

11. Warm up the eyelash curler

dream eyelash curler

If the eyelash curler does not seem sufficient to obtain the desired effect, try to heat it with the help of a hairdryer, paying attention to the temperature reached by the accessory before using it on the lashes.

In this regard, we advise you not to use it too hot, otherwise the lashes could be damaged.

12. Use the vitamin E capsules

vitamin-e dream eyelashes

The daily application of the oil contained in the vitamin E capsules promotes the healthy and robust growth of your eyelashes, counteracting their weakening and minimizing the negative effects of free radicals.

Dip a clean mascara applicator into the oil and rub it on your lashes every night, before going to sleep.

13. Use extra virgin olive oil as a make-up remover

extra-virgin-olive oil dream eyelashes

Taking into consideration the fact that most make-up removers contain chemical components that are rather aggressive for the eyelashes, we recommend that you use extra virgin olive oil as a healthy alternative.

This wonderful natural product promotes the removal of the remains of mascara and eye pencil ; in addition, it performs an intense moisturizing action, which will nourish your dream lashes while cleaning them.

By following these simple tricks, you will realize how easy it is to have long, thick and enviable lashes : the results obtained will leave you speechless!

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