Drinking A Glass Of Water Half An Hour Before Meals: What Happens?

Since ingesting a larger amount can hinder digestion, it is not advisable to drink more than a glass of water or even half. It will help us digest fat better and fight constipation.
Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals: what happens?

Drinking a glass of water – or less  half an hour before meals offers important health benefits.

We emphasize “less” because it is not advisable to overdo it. Taking, for example, half a liter of water before eating will hinder the digestion of food.

The key, therefore, is to drink small sips of water with which to promote different basic processes.

Likewise, another important aspect concerns whether or not it is correct to drink while eating. Well, it really isn’t “right” or “wrong”. Rather, we are talking about “advisable” practices.

Drinking to excess while eating can hinder the activity of gastric juices. They would lose their effectiveness as regards the decomposition of foods and the removal of possible bacteria ingested with them.

Nothing will happen, for example, if we have a glass of wine at dinner.

However, to optimize digestion and take care of our health every day, it is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.

Below we explain all the benefits we can get from this habit.

Why is it advisable to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals?

Each of us may or may not follow this advice for a very specific reason: we know how our body works and what makes it feel good.

It is necessary to know how to listen to him, to understand what changes can help him and which habits should be abandoned.

For our part, we only propose, if you don’t already do it, to  find out what can happen to your body  if you follow this simple advice every day: drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before meals.

We are sure you will not regret it. It costs you nothing to try for 15 days.  

You will have more energy

Woman jumping

Drinking a glass of water before eating promotes proper hydration of the body.

  • A habit as simple as this promotes cellular functioning and allows the body to have adequate energy to start one of the most important processes of the day: digestion and the correct absorption of nutrients.
  • Nor can we forget that the brain and muscles are made up of 75% water, while the kidneys and liver contain about 70%.
  • We must maintain this homeostatic balance every day in which to regulate what we lose with what we ingest. For this reason, as we indicated at the beginning, it is not a question of drinking, for example, two glasses in a row.

The ideal is to drink small sips continuously without waiting to be thirsty. For this purpose, the half hour before meals is one of the most important.

Promotes weight loss

We’ve all heard sometimes that if we drink a glass of water before meals, we will lose weight. This happens because filling the stomach with water makes you less hungry.

Beware of these commonplaces : filling your stomach with water before eating to fool hunger can be very dangerous.

For our part, we recommend that you only drink a glass or half of water.

In this way, we will promote weight loss thanks to four basic actions:

  • Improve digestion.
  • Better digest and eliminate fats.
  • Fighting constipation.
  • Purify the body.

We advise you to add a little lemon juice to the water. It will do you really good!

Much more beautiful skin

Woman with young face

By drinking water, we take care of our internal and external health, the latter visible through the skin.

  • If we get used to drinking limescale-free and purest water every day, we will allow our body to enjoy the most powerful cleansing and purifying agent there is: water.
  • The oxygen that is brought to us by the water helps us to keep the skin supple and toned.

Similarly, if we drink a glass of water before meals, we will digest food better and consequently we will get more vitamins, minerals and oxygen.

All this will favor the cellular regeneration of our epidermis.

Other times of the day when it is advisable to drink a little water

Girl just woke up

In addition to taking a glass of water half an hour before meals, a few more sips will do you good in these equally important moments of the day:

  • When you get up in the morning, it is good to drink a glass of warm water.
  • Before taking a bath, it is best to drink some water to reduce blood pressure.
  • Before going to sleep, you should have a few drinks to counteract the loss of fluids that can occur during the night.

Do not hesitate to take care of your body thanks to the benefits that can be obtained with this simple habit.

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