Ecological Furniture: Sustainable Methods For Furnishing The House

For an original, alternative and economical furniture that respects the environment, you can reuse and recycle different objects.
Ecological furniture: sustainable methods for furnishing the home

One of the great trends in vogue these days is represented by ecological furniture. Do you know what it is? We talk about it in the following lines and we offer you some ideas for furnishing your home following its premises.

If you want your homes to stand out for their beauty, but at the same time you care about the environment, ecological furniture is for you! You will love these options. Would you like to discover them?

What is ecological furniture?

Furniture with pallets for ecological furnishings
To decorate the house we can reuse and recycle furniture and objects.

It is a furniture trend that is based on recycling, reusing and reducing. What do these expressions refer to? Let’s see, step by step, each of these principles:

1. Recycle

The basis of ecological furniture is to avoid producing waste materials. It is therefore advisable to create decorative elements using bottles, jars, boxes and all those objects that we already have at home.

You can make the furniture yourself or buy items made from recycled materials. Nowadays, you can find them in markets or even online and in second-hand shops.

2. Reuse

The second fundamental principle aims to give a second life to objects that, otherwise, would be destined to become garbage. From this point of view, the idea is to remodel the furniture to transform it into what we need today.

3. Reduce

Minimalism goes perfectly with this trend, because it reduces the use of decorative elements. We know that to furnish a house it is impossible not to buy absolutely anything. However, we can reduce the amount of these items.

It is always advisable to choose materials that are not harmful to the environment or to the animal species of the planet, thus avoiding, for example, skins, coral or ivory.

Ideas for ecological furniture

It is us and our creativity that set the limits of ecological furniture. Let’s let the imagination fly, look at the objects that are in the house and let ourselves be inspired! In the following lines we present some ideas that are easy to implement.

1. Indoor plants for ecological furniture

Furnish the living room with indoor plants
Plants are able to bring a breath of freshness to the home.

They probably represent the main decorative elements of this trend. You can find them in all possible sizes and colors. You can place them next to windows or on the floor, but also on furniture or even walls.

2. Dried flowers

The great advantage of dried flowers is that they will never die! In addition, they offer the home a romantic and vintage style that no one will be able to resist.

3. Lamps made with jars for an ecological decor

Lamps with recycled materials
You can recycle the jars to make original lamps of all kinds.

Take the cans of tomatoes or olives you have at home, wash them well and then get to work! Make a hole in the center of the lid of the jar, pass the cable and screw the bulb. Close the jar, connect the cord to an electricity source and turn on the light. Easy, right?

4. Dried leaves, pine cones and shells

For self-respecting ecological furniture, you can use elements that you collected on vacation or during a walk in the park. You can use them to make a collage or just arrange them in a decorative way on a plate or tray.

5. Ecological furniture: reuse an old suitcase

Old suitcases to be recycled
Furnish a corner of the house with old suitcases.

An old suitcase can enjoy a new life by transforming itself into a flowerpot, a table, a bench or, simply, becoming a decorative element. Did you come up with any other ideas?

6. Recycle old furniture

The possibilities are endless: you can paint them, change the drawers with wicker baskets, install new knobs on the drawers… If you have children, that old table can be transformed into a drawing table on which to play with a little color. In the meantime, you can renew your old armchair with new upholstery.

7. Turn cans into useful items!

Recycled pen holders for an ecological decor
The cans can be excellent elements to create an ecological furniture.

A can with a beautiful decoration can become a nice pen holder, but also a vase or a container for candles. Remember to fold the edge to avoid cutting yourself when using it.

8. Reuse old clothes

An old pair of jeans can turn into a nice pillowcase, while with scraps of clothes of different colors, you can make a patchwork-style bedspread.

9. Furniture made from wooden boxes or pallets

Sanded and painted fruit crates can be a great place to store items. All you have to do is stack them on top of each other and secure them with nails. And the pallets? They can be the perfect basis for creating benches, beds or armchairs. Just add pillows or a mattress decorated with your favorite upholstery.

Dedicate yourselves to the latest trend in terms of furniture and invent an original and modern style inside the house. Remember that recycling, reusing and reducing are the best way to protect our planet.

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