Eliminate Abdominal Fat With This Syrup

Thanks to the properties of its ingredients, this syrup can be a perfect ally in reducing abdominal fat, as long as it is accompanied by a healthy diet.
Eliminate abdominal fat with this syrup

One of the main challenges nowadays is being able to lose weight and reduce the waistline. However, few manage to hit the target and completely eliminate abdominal fat.

To be successful, you need to make several changes in your diet and adopt several healthy habits that help speed up your metabolism. With the help of some natural remedies, good results can be achieved without having to submit to excessively strict diets.

This is the case with this natural fat-burning syrup  which works effectively to eliminate fat in the abdomen area. The combination of radish, ginger and lemon makes it a powerful dietary supplement capable of increasing our ability to burn calories.

What are the benefits of this homemade abdominal fat elimination syrup?

This natural syrup combines the valuable nutrients of three powerful fat-burning foods. Not only will it allow you to reduce the rolls that form on the abdominal area and hips, but also to improve brain health, strengthen the immune system and vision. 

In fact, it contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins of group B
  • C vitamin
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Fibers
  • Antioxidants

If you are still not convinced of the slimming effect of this syrup, here are the benefits of the foods that compose it. 

Properties of radish

benefits radishes

Radish is a very healthy food, known for its protective action on the thyroid, since it contains a fair amount of iodine. This precious mineral accelerates the burning of adipose tissue and favors the thinning of the accumulations of fat typical of certain areas of the body.

It also contains fiber, a nutrient that aids the digestive process and increases the sense of satiety, preventing us from taking in excess calories. A great help to eliminate abdominal fat!

Properties of ginger

Ginger root helps keep blood sugar in check and reduces inflammation, two factors that have a lot to do with weight gain. It also intervenes in the production of serotonin, a hormone that, in addition to generating well-being, has the ability, like radish, to reduce appetite.

On the other hand, it has a powerful detoxifying action: it stimulates the elimination of waste, preventing it from interfering with the metabolic function. It is a good digestive and thanks to its active ingredients, gingerol and shogaol, it increases energy expenditure and the oxidation of fats.

Properties of lemon

lemon property

This citrus fruit is one of the most appreciated and used all over the world, famous for its versatility and the high content of healing principles. As for weight loss,  it’s a great supplement that provides fiber, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes.

Consuming an adequate amount of lemon helps detoxify the body because it stimulates the elimination of excess fluids and greatly reduces the risk of inflammation.

The fiber contained, especially pectin, keeps hunger at bay and stimulates digestion, helping us eliminate waste and toxins. Finally, it regulates the pH of the blood and increases our energy, improving physical and mental performance.

How to prepare a natural syrup against abdominal fat

eliminate the fat with the syrup

Radish, ginger and lemon syrup is very easy to make and its ingredients are usually very inexpensive. The result is a natural remedy rich in nutrients, perfect for fighting fatigue, replenishing energy and, above all, removing the accumulation of fat from the abdominal area.


  • 2 radishes
  • 3 lemons
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)


  • First of all, wash the radishes and ginger thoroughly, then cut them into small pieces.
  • Once cut, put them in the blender and add the juice of the three lemons.
  • Add the spoonful of cinnamon and honey.
  • Mix well, until you get a homogeneous syrup. Pour it into a glass jar with an airtight lid.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator.

Mode of consumption

  • Take a spoonful of syrup in the morning on an empty stomach and take the same dose before starting your training session.
  • It would be ideal to take it for 15 consecutive days, take a week break and start over.

Try integrating this simple natural treatment into a healthy diet: in a short time you will see how much it can help you  get the flat stomach you want so much. 

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